Action Summary, Monday 7/2/12

Home » Action Summary, Monday 7/2/12


The following is a summation of Council actions at today’s 2:00 p.m. Full Council meeting.

Councilmember Sally Bagshaw excused.  



1. RESOLUTION 31391 ADOPTED (8 – 0)

Revising certain General Rules and Procedures of the Seattle City Council; amending Attachment 1 of Resolution 31343, Section I.C.3 and Appendix A.  



Approving the composition of the Major Institution Citizens Advisory Committee for Swedish Medical Center’s Cherry Hill Campus.            



Vacating the alley in Block A, W.C. Squires Replat of Block 8, Squire Park Addition to the City of Seattle, on the petition of Seattle University as reflected in Clerk File 305367.          

 4. COUNCIL BILL 117489 PASSED (8 – 0)

Relating to a pedestrian skybridge over and across the alley between 3rd Avenue and 4th Avenue, north of Spring Street, amending Ordinance 120858, as amended by Ordinance 121855, updating the insurance and bond requirements, and amending the annual fee and other terms and conditions of the permit; renewing the term of the permit to Wallyson’s Inc.; providing for the acceptance of the permit and conditions; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.             

5. COUNCIL BILL 117502 PASSED (8 – 0)

Granting Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center permission to construct, maintain, and operate a service tunnel under and across Eastlake Avenue East, north of Aloha Street, for a ten-year term, renewable for two successive ten-year terms; specifying the conditions under which this permit is granted; and providing for the acceptance of the permit and conditions.              

 6. COUNCIL BILL 117503 PASSED (8 – 0)

Relating to skybridge and other significant structure term permits; amending portions of the Seattle Municipal Code including Section 15.04.074, Sections of Chapter 15.64; adding Sections 15.64.081, 15.64.082, 15.64.083, 15.64.084, 15.64.085, 15.64.086, 15.64.087, and 15.64.110; and adding a new Chapter 15.65.

 7. CLERK FILE 312356 CONFIRMED (8 – 0)

Appointment of Cynthia Chen to the Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall Replacement Program Advisory Committee on Tolling and Traffic Management.


8. COUNCIL BILL 117476 PASSED (8 – 0)

Relating to Sound Transit’s Central Link Light Rail project; declaring portions of Tracts 9, 10, and 11 of the Plat of Lake Dell, portions of Tract 15 of Dunlap’s Plat of Land on Lake Washington, and portions of Block 2 Dunlop’s Supplemental to the City of Seattle to be surplus to utility needs; authorizing the transfer of jurisdiction over said real property from the City Light Department and placing it under the jurisdiction of the Seattle Department of Transportation; laying off and dedicating said property for street purposes; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.       

 9. COUNCIL BILL 117477 PASSED (8 – 0)

Relating to the City Light Department, authorizing the Superintendent or his designee to grant an easement for a sewer main to Valley View Sewer District over a portion of The City of Seattle’s fee- owned transmission corridor located in Tukwila, Washington; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.       

10. COUNCIL BILL 117478 PASSED (8 – 0)

Relating to Sound Transit’s Central Link Light Rail Project; authorizing the Superintendent of Seattle City Light or his designee to accept the assignment and granting of certain utility easements from the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority, and to convey certain guideway easements to said Authority; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.       


11. COUNCIL BILL 117456 PASSED (8 – 0)

Relating to land use and zoning; amending Sections 23.04.010, 23.34.004, 23.69.032, 23.76.004, 23.76.005, 23.76.006, 23.76.008, 23.76.010, 23.76.012, 23.76.014, 23.76.015, 23.76.016, 23.76.018, 23.76.020, 23.76.022, 23.76.024, 23.76.026, 23.76.028, 23.76.032, 23.76.034, 23.76.036, 23.76.038, 23.76.040, 23.76.042, 23.76.046, 23.76.050, 23.76.052, 23.76.054, 23.76.056, 23.76.058, 23.76.060, 23.76.062, 23.78.002, 23.78.006, 23.78.012, 23.78.014, 23.79.006, 23.79.010, 23.79.012, 23.84A.014, 23.84A.024, 23.84A.025, 23.84A.030, 23.84A.032, 23.84A.036, 25.05.355, and 25.05.680 of the Seattle Municipal Code, repealing Sections 23.76.019, 23.76.049, and 23.76.068, and adding a new Section 23.76.067, to improve and clarify procedures for Master Use Permits and Council land use decisions.       

12. RESOLUTION 31375 ADOPTED (8 – 0)

Adopting revised rules for City Council quasi- judicial proceedings, and repealing the previous rules that were adopted by Resolution 31001.         

13. CLERK FILE 312332 CONFIRMED (8 – 0)

Reappointment of Jiawen Shi as member, Seattle Chinatown International District Preservation and Development Authority Council, for a term of confirmation to December 31, 2015.         

14. CLERK FILE 312363 CONFIRMED (8 – 0)

Appointment of Casey Huang as member, Seattle Chinatown International District Public Development Authority Council, for a term of confirmation to December 31, 2016.      

15. CLERK FILE 312370 CONFIRMED (8 – 0)

Appointment of Michael Itti as member, Seattle Chinatown International District Preservation and Development Authority Council, for a term of confirmation to December 31, 2016.         


16. RESOLUTION 31383 ADOPTED (8 – 0)

Relating to the City Light Department; adopting a 2013-2018 Strategic Plan for the City Light Department and endorsing a six-year rate path required to support the Strategic Plan.     


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