Check out today’s brownbag on Equitable Transit Oriented Development. We’ll be discussing how to make the advantages of living along light rail the kind of advantages that can be shared by households of all incomes, races, and ethnicities.
Council Chambers, 2nd Floor City Hall
In the study’s foreword, Ron Sims, former deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and former King County Executive, wrote, “This report advocates for stability in communities of color, not for displacement. It calls for a commitment to moving racial justice to the center of TOD planning. Let us heed its call. We cannot wait until after displacement has taken place, through racial equity outcomes, people of all incomes and races are able to choose to live in central, dense neighborhoods and can avoid perpetuating suburban sprawl and auto-centric living.”
Howard Greenwich from Puget Sound Sage will present findings from the report, then representatives from Transportation Choices Coalition, Urban Impact and Got Green will join Councilmembers for a roundtable discussion. Check out the report here.
If you can’t make it, you can watch it live at: