PDF copies of the original signed documents are available in the database records linked below:
Ord. 123879
C.B. 117445
AN ORDINANCE relating to security from terrorism; authorizing the City to partner with the Port of Tacoma to receive financial assistance from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office for State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness under the Port Security Grant Program for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2008 (PSGP FFY ’08), authorizing an application for allocation of funds under that agreement, increasing appropriations to the Police Department in the 2012 Budget, and ratifying and confirming prior acts; all by a three-fourths vote of the City Council.
Ord. 123880
C.B. 117446
AN ORDINANCE relating to the City of Seattle’s solid waste system, providing the Director of Seattle Public Utilities additional rulemaking authority to grant waivers and other relief from requirements relating to single-use food service ware and packaging, and amending Seattle Municipal Code Section 21.36.086 accordingly.
Ord. 123881
C.B. 117449
AN ORDINANCE relating to the solid waste system of Seattle Public Utilities; establishing rates and charges for solid waste services for the One Less Truck Pilot Program; and amending Chapter 21.40.050 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
Ord. 123882
C.B. 117457
AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle Public Utilities; authorizing the Director of Seattle Public Utilities to purchase certain real property located at 5560 South Holly Street, Seattle, Washington, and to execute, accept and record deeds and convenient documents and agreements deemed by the Director to be necessary to this transaction on behalf of the City.
Ord. 123883
C.B. 117461
AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.
Res. 31331
A RESOLUTION relating to the Seattle Department of Transportation; rescinding Resolution 30636 and applying the City of Seattle’s existing debt management policies to transportation debt.
Res. 31351
A RESOLUTION relating to the City Light Department; adopting a policy framework for City Light rate setting objectives, rate design policies and marginal cost allocation among customer classes.