Seattle City Council Introduction and Referral Calendar April 23, 2012
1. C.B. 117448
AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.
Committee referral: Full Council
2. C.B. 117449
AN ORDINANCE relating to the solid waste system of Seattle Public Utilities; establishing rates and charges for solid waste services for the One Less Truck Pilot Program; and amending Chapter 21.40.050 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
Committee referral: Libraries, Utilities, and Center
3. C.B. 117450
AN ORDINANCE relating to historic preservation, imposing controls upon the Admiral’s House, a landmark designated by the Landmarks Preservation Board under Chapter 25.12 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding it to the Table of Historical Landmarks contained in Chapter 25.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
Committee referral: Economic Resiliency and Regional Relations
4. C.B. 117451
AN ORDINANCE relating to Hearing Examiner filing fees, amending Section 3.02.125 to increase the fees required for certain cases before the City Hearing Examiner, and amending Sections 7.20.080 and 22.220.140 to make those sections consistent with Section 3.02.125.
Committee referral: Economic Resiliency and Regional Relations
5. C.B. 117452
AN ORDINANCE relating to the City Light Department, declaring as surplus and authorizing the Superintendent or his designee to release four (4) easements for electrical service located within City of Seattle Short Subdivision Nos. 3005320, 3008464, and 3012055.
Committee referral: Energy and Environment
6. C.B. 117453
AN ORDINANCE relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; authorizing the acquisition of real property commonly known as 1227 South Jackson Street; authorizing acceptance and recording of the deed for open space, park, and recreation purposes; authorizing acquisition by condemnation; increasing appropriations to the Department of Parks and Recreation in the 2012 Adopted Budget; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts; all by a three-fourths vote of the City Council.
Committee referral: Parks and Neighborhoods
7. C.B. 117454
AN ORDINANCE relating to funding for housing and community development programs; authorizing acceptance of grant funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for programs included in the City’s Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development; decreasing appropriations in the 2012 Adopted Budget of funds available for activities under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and for activities of the Office of Housing; increasing the appropriation in the 2012 Adopted Budget for the Human Services Department for activities funded by the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS program and the Emergency Solutions Grant program; increasing appropriations in the 2012 Adopted Budget for certain activities of the Office Housing and Office of Economic Development; amending the 2012 Annual Allocation Plan component of the 2012 Update to the Consolidated Plan; amending the 2011 Annual Allocation Plan component of the 2011 Update to the Consolidated Plan; reallocating unexpended funds from prior years; recognizing the Section 108 program income within the Consolidated Plan; and ratifying and confirming prior acts, all by a three-fourths vote of the City Council.
Committee referral: Housing, Human Services, Health, and Culture
8. Res. 31372
A RESOLUTION relating to Seattle Public Utilities, authorizing application to the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Recreation and Conservation Office, for an Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account grant to fund fish habitat protection and restoration in the lower Cedar River.
Committee referral: Energy and Environment
9. Res. 31373
A RESOLUTION, approving, as of February 28, 2012, a new Incident Annex to the City Disaster Readiness and Response Plan.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Neighborhoods
10. Res. 31374
A RESOLUTION initiating a proceeding for the vacation of a portion of Broad Street between Harrison Street and 6th Avenue North pursuant to Chapter 35.79 Revised Code of Washington (RCW) and Seattle Municipal Code (SMC) Chapter 15.62.
Committee referral: Transportation
BY Clark
11. C.F. 312273
Memorandum of Understanding concerning building exterior preservation between The City of Seattle Office of Housing, The Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, Plymouth Housing Group, Bellwether Housing, Capitol Hill Housing, and Catholic Housing Services.
Committee referral: Full Council
BY Rasmussen
12. C.F. 312294
Appointment of David A. Goldberg as member, Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to March 4, 2014.
Committee referral: Transportation
BY Rasmussen
13. C.F. 312295
Appointment of Lorena P. Kaplan as member, Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to March 4, 2014.
Committee referral: Transportation
BY Rasmussen
14. C.F. 312296
Appointment of Dottie Faris as member, Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to March 4, 2013.
Committee referral: Transportation
BY Clark
15. C.F. 312297
Appointment of Dean A. Kralios as member, Pioneer Square Preservation Board, for a term of confirmation to March 1, 2015.
Committee referral: Economic Resiliency and Regional Relations
BY Clark
16. C.F. 312298
Appointment of Marika A. Cialdella as member, Pike Place Market Historical Commission, for a term of confirmation to December 1, 2014.
Committee referral: Economic Resiliency and Regional Relations
BY No Sponsor Required
17. C.F. 309092
Application of Seattle University to prepare a new major institution master plan for the Seattle University Campus, located at 901 12th Avenue (Project No. 3008328, Type IV).
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
(Originally referred to Planning, Land Use, and Neighborhoods on 5/18/09. Re-referred to Committee on the Built Environment on 1/19/10. )