Seattle City Council Introduction and Referral Calendar March 26, 2012
1. C.B. 117429
AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.
Committee referral: Full Council
2. C.B. 117430
AN ORDINANCE related to land use, zoning and environmental review, amending Sections 23.40.006, 23.42.040, 23.42.050, 23.44.014, 23.44.041, 23.45.504, 23.45.510, 23.45.512, 23.45.514, 23.45.518, 23.45.526, 23.45.527, 23.45.529, 23.45.532, 23.45.545, 23.47A.005, 23.47A.008, 23.54.015, 23.54.016, 23.54.020, 23.55.022, 23.76.004, 23.76.006, 23.84A.032, 23.91.002, 25.05.800 and Chapter 23.52 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding new Sections 23.40.035 and 23.52.008 to carry out proposals for regulatory reform.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
3. C.B. 117431
AN ORDINANCE transferring jurisdiction of certain real property from the Department of Finance and Administrative Services to the Department of Parks and Recreation, including parcels located within or adjacent to Magnolia, Northeast Queen Anne, West Duwamish and East Duwamish Greenbelts; parcels located within or adjacent to Duwamish Head, Cheasty and Longfellow Creek Greenspaces; parcels located within or adjacent to Maple School Natural Area; parcels adjacent to Interlaken, Jefferson and Schmitz Parks; an underwater tideland parcel off Alki Point; and a view parcel in Magnolia; all for open space, park, and recreation purposes; accepting deeds; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Committee referral: Parks and Seattle Center
4. C.B. 117432
AN ORDINANCE relating to a utility tunnel under and across Phinney Avenue North, north of North 34th Street, amending Ordinance 115776, as amended by Ordinances 120814 and 121855, updating the insurance and bond requirements, and amending the annual fee and other terms and conditions of the permit; renewing the term of the permit to the Fremont Dock Co., a Washington Corporation; providing for the acceptance of the permit and conditions; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Committee referral: Transportation
5. C.B. 117433
AN ORDINANCE relating to the City Light Department, accepting various easements granted to The City of Seattle for overhead and underground electrical rights in King County, Washington; placing said easements under the jurisdiction of the City Light Department; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Committee referral: Energy and Environment
6. C.B. 117434
AN ORDINANCE relating to the City Employees’ Retirement System; amending Chapter 4.36 of the Seattle Municipal Code to clarify eligibility for membership consistent with past practice and interpretation; making technical changes; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Committee referral: Government Performance and Finance
7. C.B. 117435
AN ORDINANCE relating to land use and zoning, amending Seattle Municipal Code sections 23.42.030, 23.47A.004, 23.47A.006, 23.50.012, 23.50.014, 23.54.030, and 23.84A.040 to allow a recycling use in a Commercial 2 zone to be located on the same development site as a solid waste management use through administrative conditional use review, to allow access to a solid waste management use through a Commercial 2 zone or Industrial Buffer zone, and to allow limited uses associated with a solid waste management use to be located in Commercial 2 zones and Industrial Buffer zones through administrative conditional use review.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
8. Res. 31364
A RESOLUTION retiring introduced and referred Council Bills, Resolutions, and Clerk Files which have received no further action.
Committee referral: Full Council for Introduction and Adoption
9. Res. 31365
A RESOLUTION endorsing the City Light Department’s Wholesale Energy Risk Management Policy; establishing it as the policy governing wholesale energy risk management at the City Light Department; and superseding Resolution 31230.
Committee referral: Energy and Environment
10. Res. 31366
A RESOLUTION providing direction to Seattle Public Utilities in the reconstruction and operation of the North Transfer Station.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
BY Conlin
11. C.F. 312198
2011 Annual Report of the Office of the Hearing Examiner.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
BY Conlin
12. C.F. 312214
Appointment of Kadie Bell Sata as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term of confirmation to April 15, 2013.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
BY Conlin
13. C.F. 312215
Reappointment of David Cutler as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term of confirmation to April 15, 2015.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
BY Conlin
14. C.F. 312216
Reappointment of Bradley Khouri as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term of confirmation to April 15, 2015.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
BY Conlin
15. C.F. 312217
Reappointment of Matt Roewe as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term of confirmation to April 15, 2015.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
BY Conlin
16. C.F. 312218
Reappointment of Catherine Benotto as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term of confirmation to April 15, 2015.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
BY Conlin
17. C.F. 312219
Reappointment of Julie Bassuk as member, Seattle Design Commission, for a term of confirmation to February 28, 2014.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
BY Conlin
18. C.F. 312220
Reappointment of Donald L. Vehige as member, Seattle Design Commission, for a term of confirmation to February 28, 2014.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
BY Conlin
19. C.F. 312221
Reappointment of Thomas J. Nelson as member, Seattle Design Commission, for a term of confirmation to February 28, 2014.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
BY Conlin
20. C.F. 312222
Reappointment of Laurel Kunkler as member, Seattle Design Commission, for a term of confirmation to February 28, 2014.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
BY Harrell
21. C.F. 312225
Appointment of Jeffrey R. Watt as member, Seattle Fire Code Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to March 30, 2015.
Committee referral: Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology
BY Harrell
22. C.F. 312226
Appointment of David Moore as member, Seattle Fire Code Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to March 30, 2015.
Committee referral: Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology
BY Harrell
23. C.F. 312227
Appointment of Todd Sparrow as member, Seattle Fire Code Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to March 30, 2015.
Committee referral: Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology
BY Harrell
24. C.F. 312228
Reappointment of Anne Donegan as member, Seattle Fire Code Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to March 30, 2015.
Committee referral: Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology
BY Harrell
25. C.F. 312229
Reappointment of Philip Dovinh as member, Seattle Fire Code Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to March 30, 2015.
Committee referral: Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology
BY Harrell
26. C.F. 312230
Reappointment of James R. Fair as member, Seattle Fire Code Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to March 30, 2015.
Committee referral: Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology
BY Harrell
27. C.F. 312231
Reappointment of Lucas Grothkopp as member, Seattle Fire Code Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to March 30, 2015.
Committee referral: Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology
BY Harrell
28. C.F. 312232
Reappointment of Rae Anne Rushing as member, Seattle Fire Code Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to March 30, 2015.
Committee referral: Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology
BY Harrell
29. C.F. 312233
Reappointment of Allen D. Rainsberger as member, Seattle Fire Code Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to March 30, 2015.
Committee referral: Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology
BY Harrell
30. C.F. 312234
Reappointment of Mohamed Sheikh Hassan as member, Immigrant and Refugee Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to January 31, 2014.
Committee referral: Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology
BY Harrell
31. C.F. 312235
Reappointment of Devon Alisa Abdallah as member, Immigrant and Refugee Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to January 31,2014.
Committee referral: Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology
BY Harrell
32. C.F. 312236
Reappointment of Michael Neguse as member, Immigrant and Refugee Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to January 31, 2014.
Committee referral: Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology
BY Conlin
33. C.F. 312238
Appointment of Morgan Shook as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term of confirmation to April 15, 2014.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability