I know it’s not REALLY Spring yet, but I see the signs of it about. I’ve been cheered by daffodils downtown, cherry trees budding in the north end, and rowers back out on the water. I’ve woken to light in the sky by 6:00 a.m. in the mornings. It’s wonderful!
One of my favorite recent acknowledgements of the advent of Spring was a Saturday morning neighborhood clean up event I attended last week.
I joined a group of Bitter Lake neighbors to clean up North 130th and Linden Avenue. We ended up with 8 volunteers, 12 volunteer hours, and 5 very full bags of trash.
It was a pleasure to spend time with the SafeWalks folks, including Dick, Dale, Lucille, Will and Herbert. I so appreciate these people and their willingness to help make their communities cleaner places. I drop in when I can, but they are out there every first Saturday of every month. And this is their 7th year!
In the words of Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Thanks Bitter Lake neighbors!
If there’s a Spring Clean coming up in YOUR neighborhood, let me know. When I’m at City Hall, I get caught up in the weeds of policy, however, I also enjoy pulling up the weeds in neighborhoods throughout the city and would love to join you.
Tip for Neighborhood Clean Up Projects:
How to report illegal dumping
It is considered illegal dumping when any junk, garbage or debris is left on public property—including roadsides, open streets, and paved alleys. The items most commonly reported are TVs and computers; furniture; paints, solvents and other potentially hazardous liquids; tires; garbage, yard waste, and construction debris.
Volunteer opportunities THIS weekend: http://www.seattle.gov/parks/calendar/volunteer.htm
Thanks for helping keep our city safe, green, and connected!