The following is a summation of Council actions at today’s 2:00 pm.m Full Council meeting.
1. Clerk File 309434 GRANTED AS CONDITIONED (6 – 0)
Petition of Lynn Huff for the University Christian Church and the University Presbyterian Church to rezone approximately 129,300 sq.ft. of land at 4715 to 4735 15th Avenue Northeast from Lowrise 3 (L3) multifamily residential to Neighborhood Commercial 3 with a 65 foot height limit (NC3 65) (Project No. 3004384, Type IV).
2. Council Bill 117403 PASSED (6 – 0)
Relating to land use and zoning; amending Chapter 23.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code at page 60 and page 61 of the Official Land Use Map to rezone property located at 4715 – 4735 15th Avenue Northeast from Lowrise 3 Multifamily Residential to Neighborhood Commercial 2 with a 65 foot height limit, and approving and accepting a Property Use and Development Agreement in connection therewith. (C.F. 309434, DPD Project 3004384)
3. Council Bill 117398 PASSED (6 – 0)
Relating to street and sidewalk use; amending Chapters 15.02 and 15.04 of the Seattle Municipal Code, to correct typographical errors, correct section references, clarify regulations, and make minor amendments.
4. Council Bill 117390 PASSED (6 – 0)
Relating to the King Street Station Rehabilitation Phase 2B Project; ratifying and confirming Seattle Department of Transportation’s execution of a grant agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation for and on behalf of the City of Seattle, under which agreement the City will receive over 16 million dollars in funding for the restoration of King Street Station.
5. Clerk File 312038 CONFIRMED (6 – 0)
Appointment of Victor Stover as member, Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to September 1, 2012.
6. Resolution 31354 ADOPTED AS AMENDED (6 – 0)
Establishing the City’s intent to seek a private sector partner to assist it in exploring possible models for expanding, upgrading, and/or developing district energy systems in certain areas of Seattle.
7. Resolution 31360 ADOPTED (6 – 0)
Approving the proposed budget of the Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission for fiscal year 2012.
8. Council Bill 117385 PASSED (6 – 0)
Relating to the City Light Department, authorizing the acceptance of the transfer of the “Pressentin Creek” state trust land in Skagit County, Washington from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, authorizing the acceptance of the quitclaim deed thereto, placing said land under the jurisdiction of the City Light Department, and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
9. Resolution 31359 ADOPTED (6 – 0)
To provide the Families and Education Levy Oversight Committee with advisors appointed from the Seattle Youth Commission who can provide valuable insight and perspective to its stewardship responsibilities.
10. Resolution 31361 ADOPTED (6 – 0)
Adopting Statements of Legislative Intent (SLIs) for the 2012 Adopted Budget and 2012-2017 Adopted Capital Improvement Program (CIP), and Budget Guidance Statements (BUGS) for the 2013-2014 Proposed Budget.
11. Clerk File 312124 CONFIRMED (6 – 0)
Appointment of Bruce D. Carter as member, Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission, for a term of confirmation to December 31, 2014.
12. Clerk File 311900 CONFIRMED (6 – 0)
Appointment of David W. Howenstine as member, Seattle LGBT Commission, for a term of confirmation to April 30, 2012.
13. Clerk File 311902 CONFIRMED (6 – 0)
Appointment of Mac Scotty McGregor as member, Seattle LGBT Commission, for a term of confirmation to April 30, 2013.
14. Clerk File 311903 CONFIRMED (6 – 0)
Appointment of Ryan Douglas McMurray as member, Seattle LGBT Commission, for a term of confirmation to April 30, 2013.
15. Clerk File 311904 CONFIRMED (6 – 0)
Appointment of Jarred Lathrop-Weber as member, Seattle LGBT Commission, for a term of confirmation to April 30, 2013.
16. Clerk File 311989 CONFIRMED (6 – 0)
Appointment of Mariah C. Ortiz as member, Seattle Human Rights Commission, for a term of confirmation to July 22, 2012.
17. Clerk File 311990 CONFIRMED (6 – 0)
Appointment of Marsha T. Mavunkel as member, Seattle Human Rights Commission, for a term of confirmation to July 22, 2013.
18. Council Bill 117404 PASSED (6 – 0)
Related to the Board of Park Commissioners; changing the meeting frequency requirement; and amending Section 3.26.020 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
19. Clerk File 312089 CONFIRMED (6 – 0)
Appointment of Barbara A. Wright as member, Seattle Board of Park Commissioners, for a term of confirmation to March 31, 2015.
20. Clerk File 312090 CONFIRMED (6 – 0)
Appointment of Brice Maryman as member, Seattle Board of Park Commissioners, for a term of confirmation to March 31, 2015.
21. Clerk File 312123 CONFIRMED (6 – 0)
Appointment of Megan Heahlke as member, Board of Park Commissioners, for a term of confirmation to March 31, 2015