PDF copies of the signed documents are available in the database records linked below:
Ord. 123776
C.B. 117235
AN ORDINANCE relating to land use and zoning; amending Sections 22.900G.010, 22.900G.015, 23.41.012, 23.47A.012, 23.73.009, 23.73.010, and 23.84A.038, and adding new Sections 23.73.005, 23.73.012, 23.73.014, 23.73.016, 23.73.018, and 23.73.024 to the Seattle Municipal Code, and amending the fee schedules for the Department of Neighborhoods and Office of Housing, in order to designate a Conservation Core area within the Pike/Pine Conservation Overlay District and to establish and administer a transfer of development potential program for the Conservation Overlay District to better preserve and enhance the character of the Pike/Pine neighborhood.
Ord. 123777
C.B. 117341
AN ORDINANCE relating to the City Light Department; authorizing the execution of a confirmation agreement with J.P. Morgan Ventures Energy Corporation for the purchase of environmental attributes from a 10 MW share of the Stateline Wind Project in the form of renewable energy certificates that are necessary or convenient for meeting the requirements of the Washington State Energy Independence Act; and further authorizing the execution of other necessary and convenient agreements for the receipt, tracking, transferring, management, and sale of the environmental attributes.
Ord. 123778
C.B. 117342
AN ORDINANCE relating to the City Light Department; authorizing the execution of two confirmation agreements with Power County Wind Park North, LLC and Power County Wind Park South, LLC for the purchase of environmental attributes in the form of renewable energy certificates that are necessary or convenient for meeting the requirements of the Washington State Energy Independence Act; and further authorizing the execution of other necessary and convenient agreements for the receipt, tracking, transferring, management, and sale of the environmental attributes.
Ord. 123779
C.B. 117343
AN ORDINANCE relating to the City Light Department; authorizing the Superintendent of Seattle City Light to execute an agreement with Bonneville Power Administration and Puget Sound Energy Corporation for the Preferred Puget Sound Area Plan of Service Projects and Cost Allocation; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Ord. 123780
C.B. 117344
AN ORDINANCE relating to indigent public defense services; authorizing the City Budget Director to execute a contract for services with a third public defense agency.
Ord. 123781
C.B. 117356
AN ORDINANCE authorizing, in 2011, acceptance of funding from non-City sources; authorizing the heads of the Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Police Department, Department of Information Technology, Department of Parks and Recreation, the Office for Civil Rights, Human Services Department, Seattle City Light, Seattle Department of Transportation and Seattle Public Utilities to accept specified grants and private funding and to execute, deliver, and perform corresponding agreements; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Ord. 123782
C.B. 117357
AN ORDINANCE related to the 2011 Budget; amending Ordinance 123442, which adopted the 2011 Budget, including the 2011-2016 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); changing appropriations to various departments and budget control levels, and from various funds in the Budget; making cash transfers between various City funds; revising project allocations for certain projects in the 2011-2016 CIP; creating exempt positions; creating new positions; authorizing expenditures; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts; all by a 3/4 vote of the City Council.
Ord. 123783
C.B. 117358
AN ORDINANCE relating to the regulation of limousines; authorizing the Director of Finance and Administrative Services to enforce state limousine laws; adopting local laws regulating limousines consistent with state limousine laws; authorizing a cooperative agreement with the Washington Department of Licensing for the enforcement of limousine laws and regulations; creating a new Chapter 6.320 in the Seattle Municipal Code; amending the 2012 budget; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts; all by a three-fourths vote of the City Council.
Ord. 123784
C.B. 117359
AN ORDINANCE, relating to City employment, to be known as the 2012 Pay Zone Ordinance; adjusting the pay zone structures for the City’s discretionary pay programs for the year 2012.
Ord. 123785
C.B. 117360
AN ORDINANCE relating to City employment commonly referred to as the Fourth Quarter 2011 Employment Ordinance; establishing new titles and/or salaries; designating positions as exempt from Civil Service status; and ratifying and confirming prior acts; all by a 2/3 vote of the City Council.
Ord. 123786
C.B. 117362
AN ORDINANCE relating to economic development; creating an Economic Development Commission to advise and make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council; and establishing a new Chapter 3.15 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
Ord. 123787
C.B. 117363
AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission; authorizing the Executive Director to execute an agreement with the City of Kirkland for implementing an ongoing independent ethics program for the City of Kirkland and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Ord. 123788
C.B. 117368
AN ORDINANCE relating to City employment; adding a new section to Seattle Municipal Code Chapter 4.34 that authorizes eligible City of Seattle employees to convert accumulated and unused vacation to cash to benefit relief efforts on behalf of victims of natural disasters.
Ord. 123789
C.B. 117369
AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.
Res. 31340
A RESOLUTION setting forth the 2012 State Legislative Agenda of the City of Seattle.
Res. 31343
A RESOLUTION revising certain City Council rules and procedures; adopting a new set of Rules and Procedures of the Seattle City Council to supersede those adopted by Resolution 31171 and amended by Resolution 31205.
Res. 31346
A RESOLUTION in support of reducing greenhouse gas pollution, requesting the Environmental Protection Agency to use the Clean Air Act to enforce tighter controls on greenhouse gas emissions.