Seattle City Council Introduction and Referral Calendar November 14, 2011
1. C.B. 117334AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.
Committee referral: Full Council
2. C.B. 117335AN ORDINANCE relating to land use and zoning, establishing procedures for application of incentive provisions for affordable housing; amending sections 23.30.010, 23.34.008, 23.40.020, 23.45.502, 23.45.510, 23.47A.002, 23.47A.013, 23.58A.002, 23.58A.014, 23.84A.018 of the Seattle Municipal Code; and adding new Sections 23.58A.025, 23.58A.026, and 23.58A.028.
Committee referral: Built Environment
3. C.B. 117336AN ORDINANCE relating to the administration of The City of Seattle’s agreement with Bluefield Holdings; creating a new subaccount in the Cumulative Reserve Subfund; amending Sections 5.06.030, 5.76, 5.80.020, and 5.80.030 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Committee referral: Regional Development and Sustainability
4. C.B. 117337AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle Public Utilities; authorizing the Director of Seattle Public Utilities to purchase certain real property located at 36716 SE 191st Street in Section 36, Township 23 North, Range 7 East, W.M. in King County, Washington, King County Parcel Identification No. 362307-9031, totaling 2.52 acres, in close proximity to the Cedar River Municipal Watershed; and to execute, accept and record deeds and other necessary and convenient documents and agreements on behalf of the City.
Committee referral: Seattle Public Utilities and Neighborhoods
5. C.B. 117338AN ORDINANCE relating to the levy of property taxes; fixing the rates and/or amounts of taxes to be levied, and levying the same upon all taxable property, both real and personal, in The City of Seattle, to finance the departments and activities of City government and to provide for the general obligation bond interest and redemption requirements for the year beginning on the first day of January 2012; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Committee referral: Special Budget
6. C.B. 117339AN ORDINANCE authorizing the levy of regular property taxes by The City of Seattle for collection in 2012, representing an increase above the regular property taxes levied for collection in 2011; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts
Committee referral: Special Budget
7. Res. 31338A RESOLUTION setting the public hearing on the petition of the Department of Parks and Recreation for the vacation of a portion of Westlake Avenue between Pine Street and Fourth Avenue in the downtown area of Seattle; pursuant to Chapter 35.79 Revised Code of Washington (RCW) and Seattle Municipal Code (SMC) 15.62 (Clerk File 311670).
Committee referral: Full Council for Introduction and Adoption
8. Res. 31339A RESOLUTION declaring the City of Seattle’s intent to establish a framework for the application of transfer of development rights (TDR) and transfer of development potential (TDP) programs and the criteria for prioritizing the areas where the programs apply
Committee referral: Built Environment
9. Res. 31331A RESOLUTION relating to the Seattle Department of Transportation; rescinding Resolution 30636 and applying the City of Seattle’s existing debt management policies to transportation debt.
Committee referral: Finance and Budget (Originally referred to the Special Budget Committee on October 24, 2011)
BY No Sponsor Required
10. C.F. 311874Petition of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to the Seattle City Council for a skybridge permit pursuant to Seattle Municipal Code 15.64, for a new skybridge connecting 1100 Eastlake Ave E with the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center campus.
Committee referral: Transportation
11. C.F. 311875Council land use action by the Department of Finance and Administrative Services to approve a 1,130 sq. ft. two story addition to Fire Station 34, located at 633 32nd Avenue East (Project No. 3012676, Type V).
Committee referral: Built Environment