PDF copies of the original signed documents are available in the database records linked below:
Ord. 123714
C.B. 117258
AN ORDINANCE establishing a Seattle Tourism Business Improvement Area; levying special assessments upon hotel businesses within the area; providing for the deposit of revenues in a special account and expenditures therefrom; providing for collection of and penalties for delinquencies; providing for the establishment of a Ratepayers Advisory Board, and providing for an implementation agreement with a Program Manager.
Ord. 123715
C.B. 117265
AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation; authorizing the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation to enter into an easement agreement granting and conveying a permanent subsurface tunnel easement under portions of the Cheasty Greenspace to the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority and to accept payment therefor; finding that the grant of a permanent subsurface tunnel easement meets the requirements of Ordinance 118477, adopting Initiative 42, to the extent applicable; ratifying and confirming the grant of temporary surface rights on portions of the Cheasty Greenspace to the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority for temporary construction purposes and authorizing acceptance of payment therefor; and exempting the grant of temporary surface rights from the requirements of Ordinance 118477, to the extent applicable.
Ord. 123716
C.B. 117266
AN ORDINANCE relating to State of Washington restrictions on the use of certain property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Parks and Recreation; authorizing the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation to grant to the State of Washington a Deed of Right limiting the use of certain property in the Duwamish Head Greenspace to conservation purposes and to accept the release of a Deed of Right limiting the use of certain property in the Cheasty Greenspace to public recreation purposes.
Ord. 123717
C.B. 117278
AN ORDINANCE relating to the business license tax; amending the Seattle Municipal Code to provide that all return or tax information is confidential, privileged, and subject to disclosure in the manner provided by RCW 82.32.330; and amending Section 5.55.200 of the Seattle Municipal Code in connection therewith.
Ord. 123718
C.B. 117285
AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Center Department; authorizing the Seattle Center Director to execute a ten year lease agreement, with additional options to extend, with Friends of KEXP; under which agreement KEXP will renovate and lease space in the Northwest Rooms and a portion of the adjacent courtyard at Seattle Center for use as KEXP’s radio broadcast studios and offices, performance spaces, a cafe, a shared use outdoor stage, and other uses supporting KEXP’s operations.
Ord. 123719
C.B. 117292
AN ORDINANCE relating to economic development; authorizing the Council President to sign a letter of understanding with Wyndham Publications, Inc. to sponsor the creation of an economic development and tourism publication consisting potentially of a three-book series about the City with the working title, Seattle: The Emerald City; and ratifying and confirming prior acts.
Ord. 123720
C.B. 117293
AN ORDINANCE relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation, authorizing the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation to enter into an egress easement agreement with Seattle School District No. 1 over portions of vacated N. 42nd Street between Woodlawn Avenue N. and Densmore Avenue N., and to execute a covenant restricting the use of property at Wallingford Playfield to satisfy permit requirements related to the construction of a new gymnasium on the Hamilton International Middle School property; authorizing acceptance of reimbursed City- incurred costs related to the egress easement agreement and covenant; superseding the requirements of Ordinance 118477, which adopted Initiative 42, for the purposes of this ordinance; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Ord. 123721
C.B. 117297
AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering t he payment thereof.
Res. 31317
A RESOLUTION requesting that Seattle City Light conduct a Surplus Property Disposition Pilot Project to test an alternative process for determining the appropriate disposition of surplus utility properties; temporarily suspending certain requirements of Resolution Nos. 29799 and 30862 for the properties identified in the Pilot Project for a period of two years; and requesting that Seattle City Light and the Finance and Administrative Services Department report back to the City Council on the viability of the new procedures upon completion of the Pilot Project.
Res. 31325
A RESOLUTION relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; authorizing the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation to operate for fee parking at Lake Union Park; establishing parking fees; authorizing the Seattle Department of Transportation to install and operate parking pay stations; and authorizing the Seattle Police Department to enforce parking rules.
Res. 31327
A RESOLUTION establishing financial policies for the Arts Account of the General Subfund.
Res. 31328
A RESOLUTION launching the Great Student Initiative, a City of Seattle effort to form new partnerships with information, communication and technology companies, and financial institutions to provide low-cost, high-speed Internet access, computer, software and services for low-income students in the Seattle Public Schools, and create a steering committee to advance the goals of the initiative.