Dexter Avenue North from the Fremont Bridge to downtown is a major commuting route for many in North Seattle, including myself. Recently completed road improvements make this Seattle’s newest ‘complete street,’ and these improvements will benefit everyone who uses Dexter for years to come, including those who travel by bus, car, bicycle or foot.
Seattle City Council passed the Complete Streets Ordinance in 2007, directing the Seattle Department of Transportation to design streets for all uses and abilities, from walkers to transit riders to freight. By focusing on safety and mobility, the complete streets model allows Seattle to transform routine road maintenance into smart transportation investments in our future. This is exactly what we did with Dexter. Instead of simply repaving the road, we made significant safety and mobility improvements, as well as drainage upgrades that will keep the road in better shape for years to come.
These improvements were funded through the 2006 Bridging the Gap levy, which is enabling the Seattle Department of Transportation to make critical investments in transportation infrastructure in every neighborhood in Seattle.
Here are some pics of the improvements I took over the weekend (click to enlarge):
The redesigned intersection at Dexter Avenue North and Dexter Way North
Bus island and bike bypass, buses and bikes keep moving and cars know where each will be, improving safety for evereone on the road
Buffered bike lane narrows road to slow down motor vehicle traffic and provide additional space between cyclists and cars
This video shows the bus island in action.