Councilmember Jean Godden
Statement from Seattle City Councilmember Jean Godden on Mayor’s proposed 2012 budget
Seattle – Councilmember Jean Godden, Chair of the Finance and Budget Committee, today released the following statement on the 2012 budget process:
"Today the Mayor kicked off the 2012 budget process with his presentation to full Council. As in recent years, we must continue to find ways to deliver City services as efficiently as possible. Reinventing government is key to this process, particularly in lean times.
"Council will continue to support public safety, human services and job growth as critical priorities to both our residents and the City’s economic future. We are also committed to increasing measured outcomes for all programs instilling more accountability and effectiveness in all areas of City government.
"This year’s budget schedule and new improvements to the Council’s budget process, database and website will contribute to a more effective process. We look forward to working with the Mayor toward Council goals to ensure we preserve services and create economic opportunities for Seattle and the region."
The Council’s budget website is online, complete with the process outline and calendar, glossary of terms and links to supporting documents, as they become available.
Public input is vital to this process, helping Councilmembers develop a budget that best reflects the needs of the City. Mark your calendar now to participate in our budget public hearings on October 4 or October 26. Both meetings will be held in Council Chambers in Seattle City Hall at 5:30 p.m. Feedback can also be submitted online, via our budget comment form.
Seattle City Council meetings are cablecast and Webcast live on Seattle Channel 21 and on the City Council’s website. Copies of legislation, Council meeting calendar, and archives of news releases can be found on the City Council website. Follow the Council on Twitter and on Facebook.