Councilmember Mike O’Brien
Saturday is Moving Planet Seattle Day
Celebrating the international day of action on climate change
Seattle – Councilmember Mike O’Brien will be celebrating the international day of action on climate change, Moving Planet Seattle, by participating in two special events on Saturday, September 24.
Starting at noon, Got Green is hosting an event to highlight the release of their report Women in the Green Economy, Voices from Southeast Seattle. This report is based on a survey of 200 mothers from Southeast Seattle that asks low-income women and people of color what their priorities are for the green movement in Seattle.
Saturday, September 24, 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Presentation and discussion with Got Green and women who participated in the survey
South Lake High School
8601 Rainier Ave S
Seattle, WA 98118
Councilmember Mike O’Brien will be joining representatives from Got Green and survey participants, including:
Councilmember O’Brien will be biking over to South Lake Union Park by 2:00 p.m. to join hundreds of not thousands of Seattleites for a rally to move beyond fossil fuels and celebrate September 24 as Moving Planet Seattle Day.
Saturday, September 24, 2:00 p.m.
Rally for Moving Planet Seattle
South Lake Union Park
860 Terry Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98118
Councilmember Mike O’Brien will be joining his family and hundreds of Seattleites, including guest speakers:
- Mayor Mike McGinn
- Parks Superintendent Christopher Williams
- K.C. Golden, Climate Solutions
- Sarah Van Gelder, YES! Magazine
- Lisa Quinn, Feet First
- LeeAnne Beres, Earth Ministry
- Reverend Rich Lang , University Temple United Methodist Church
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