Seattle City Council Introduction and Referral Calendar August 1, 2011
1. C.B. 117240
AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.
Committee referral: Full Council
2. C.B. 117241
AN ORDINANCE relating to low-income elderly and handicapped housing; authorizing the amendment of the Housing Cooperation Agreement between the City and the Seattle Housing Authority approved by Ordinance 110433 and amended as approved by Ordinance 119424 and Ordinance 120528; approving the sale by the Seattle Housing Authority of property at N. 35th Street and Woodland Park Ave. N., which was acquired with the proceeds of the City’s bonds issued pursuant to Ordinance 110124; and authorizing the Mayor or Director of Housing to accept and administer related notes and contracts.
Committee referral: Housing, Human Services, Health, and Culture
3. C.B. 117242
AN ORDINANCE relating to the City Light Department; completion of the Voluntary Green Power Program, and amending Seattle Municipal Code chapter 21.49.
Committee referral: Energy, Technology, and Civil Rights
4. C.B. 117243
AN ORDINANCE relating to the City Light Department; amending the Community Solar Program established in Seattle Municipal Code 21.49.087.
Committee referral: Energy, Technology, and Civil Rights
5. C.B. 117244
AN ORDINANCE relating to jail services; authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement with King County for the Provision of Jail Services.
Committee referral: Public Safety and Education
6. C.B. 117245
AN ORDINANCE relating to the management of the South Fork Tolt River Municipal Watershed; authorizing ecological forest thinning projects in accordance with the South Fork Tolt River Watershed Management Plan in Sections 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and 35, Township 26 North, Range 9 East, W.M., and Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Township 25 North, Range 9 East, W.M.; declaring the logs resulting from said projects to be surplus to the City’s needs; authorizing the sale of such logs pursuant to applicable City contracting and surplus property sale procedures; and directing use of the proceeds therefrom to fund Plan implementation.
Committee referral: Seattle Public Utilities and Neighborhoods