Tag: plastic bags

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Seattle joins global movement to protect marine wildlife

News Release
Today the Seattle City Council unanimously voted to pass Council Bill 117345, a bill to protect Puget Sound and protect marine wildlife by banning plastic carry-out bags. The bill encourages the use of reusable shopping bags by requiring grocers and retailers to charge a nickel for paper bags.


Saving Puget Sound: Seattle’s proposed plastic bag ban

As you have probably heard about or read about by now, Seattle City Council has introduced a bill that would make a great step towards protecting Puget Sound and ocean waters and reducing unnecessary waste by banning single-use plastic carryout bags. We will hold a public hearing on the plastic bag ban bill on December [...]


Seattle joins regional and global movement to ban single-use plastic bags

News Release
Today Seattle City Council introduced Council Bill 117345, intended to help clean up Puget Sound and protect marine wildlife by banning single-use plastic bags. This legislation gives Seattle an opportunity to join Bellingham and Edmonds in Washington, as well as cities up and down the West Coast and more than 20 nations worldwide in efforts to curb the impact of single-use plastic bags on the environment.


YES — It’s Time to Ban Plastic Bags

I must confess. In 2009, at the Stranger/WA Bus Candidate Survivor event, I stood in a corner almost by myself against the then- proposed plastic bag fee. Though as a sailor I had seen first-hand the debris in our oceans and was aware of adverse affects plastic bags have on the environment, I just didn’t [...]