Tag: Yesler Terrace

Home » Yesler Terrace

Yesler Terrace New Urban Community Approved

On Tuesday, September 4, the Council unanimously adopted five pieces of legislation to implement the redevelopment plan for the Yesler Terrace community.  This vote is the culmination of many months of work by Councilmembers and our Central Staff.  Council considered this project so important that we conducted all of our meetings in a Special Committee [...]


Yesler Terrace redevelopment legislation passes out of Seattle City Council Special Committee

News Release:
The Seattle City Council’s Yesler Terrace Special Committee voted unanimously today to approve legislation allowing the Seattle Housing Authority (SHA) to redevelop the 22-acre Yesler Terrace public housing neighborhood.


Yesler Terrace Redevelopment to Come to Council

The Seattle Housing Authority has been working for years to create a redevelopment plan for Yesler Terrace, the last of its WWII era housing projects.  The other three (New Holly, High Point, and Rainier Vista) have all been redeveloped as mixed income communities, with new and better housing for the low income residents. Now the [...]