Tag: Housing

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High Cost of Renting

I thank the Mayor for his recently stated concern about the proliferation of rent increases, I share that concern and agree with him that we must do something. A related issue we should immediately address is the need to increase assistance under the City’s Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance, received by low-income renters who have to […]


We Can’t Wait

Surely we can find the political will and the resources to fulfill our promise that these families with children should not have to sleep in cars, in abandoned buildings or outdoors.


Micro-Units Are Coming; No They Are Here

Are micro-units (aka trademarked as aPodments) the answer to providing affordable housing in Seattle or are they a threat to the quality of life in residential neighborhoods? So, what are Microunits? They sprung up about 4 years ago, when some innovative developers discovered that they could build new housing projects that provided very small living [...]



“Micro-unit” apartment buildings, sometimes known as “aPodments” (which is actually one developer’s trademarked term) consist of very small dwellings, similar in size to a hotel room, which usually have private bathrooms and perhaps a mini-refrigerator and microwave. Seven or eight of these small efficiencies are grouped around a full kitchen/dining area. While these units are [...]