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Legislation approved 7/18/2011 now filed with the City Clerk

Scans of the signed documents are available in the database records linked below: Ord. 123657 C.B. 117193 AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle Public Utilities; authorizing the Director of Seattle Public Utilities to purchase approximately 148.2 acres of real property in Section 36, Township 23 North, Range 7 East, W.M. in King County, Washington, commonly called [...]


Seattle City Council Introduction and Referral Calendar July 25, 2011

BY RASMUSSEN 1. C.B. 117233 AN ORDINANCE accepting for general street purposes 15 deeds conveyed to the City of Seattle by the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (“Sound Transit”) in connection with the Central Link Light Rail Transit Project as agreed to in a Property Acquisition and Transfer Procedures Agreement between the City of [...]


Legislation approved 7/11/2011 now filed with the City Clerk

Scans of the signed documents will be available tomorrow in the database records linked below. Ord. 123649 C.B. 117124 AN ORDINANCE relating to land use and zoning; amending Sections 23.22.064, 23.22.074, 23.22.078, 23.40.002, 23.40.006, 23.40.007, 23.41.004, 23.42.040, 23.42.050, 23.42.106, 23.42.112, 23.42.122, 23.44.008, 23.44.010, 23.44.012, 23.44.014, 23.44.016, 23.44.022, 23.44.041, 23.45.520, 23.47A.012, 23.47A.014, 23.47A.016, 23.47A.032, 23.48.010, 23.48.016, [...]