Councilmember Tanya Woo details legislation to address after-hours gun violence

Councilmember Tanya Woo details legislation to address after-hours gun violence

Includes establishing a new regulatory license for operating after-hours between 2:00am-5:00am

Today, City Councilmember Tanya Woo (Position 8, Citywide) shared details of proposed legislation aimed at addressing recent violence related to after-hours nightclubs in the City. Councilmember Woo was joined by victims’ family members, the Director of the SODO Business Improvement Area, and supported by nightclub operators and other stakeholders.

“My intention with this legislation is to bring stakeholder groups together – to convene people impacted by the violence that occurs in illegally operated after-hour establishments. Without the proper licenses, we are unable to regulate these businesses,” said Councilmember Woo. “Hearing from these groups – including nightclub operators, victims’ families, neighborhood and community groups – helped shape this proposal. The goals are to bring safety, enforcement and accountability to after-hour clubs, support business opportunities, and provide a safe nightlife for residents while helping to bring closure and peace of mind to impacted families.”

Highlights of the proposal that apply to after-hours nightclubs include:

  • Establishing a new regulatory license – required for any business that allows gathering for socializing, smoking, or dancing between the hours of 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.
  • Principal Safety Requirements:
    • No one under age 21
    • No alcohol between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.
    • Two trained security personnel while open between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.
    • Security checks for weapons
    • Video surveillance of exits
    • Unimpeded police access while operating

In addition, the new regulatory license would have a $250.00 application fee and can be denied or revoked if the establishment has a single shooting incident, or two or more serious public safety incidents within the past year. Penalties for operating without a new regulatory license would be $1,000 for the first offense, and subsequent violations would be a misdemeanor with up to 90 days in jail.

Additional Quotes

“This proposal of After- hours night lounge regulations is something very needed in our city. I believe it is a step towards a long road ahead of us for safety in our community. After our brother Francisco David Escatell was killed in a SODO night lounge, we felt the pain and sadness which affected our family, only to find out there are no existing regulations for this type of business, leaving them free to keep running illegally a month after the murder.

“No license, no proper security and no care for its patrons. The despair of knocking on doors and not finding answers or help to holding people accountable, all because there are no regulations, was heartbreaking. Today Councilmember Woo and a group made up of many people are working together to make and create a change in hopes for a better and safer nightlife in this city of Seattle. Thank you for your time.” –Erika Santana (sister of Francisco David Escatell)

“Keeping our patrons safe is a priority to us in hospitality. Nightlife should be a fun and safe environment for everyone.” –Amir Azer, Xtadium Operator

“I am a father of 3 kids and brought my family to escape armed conflict to educate, prosper and grow but not to worry that one day my kids would face gun violence,” –Fitsum Berhane.

“Youth are dying faster then our older community members, we need change,” –Luwam Habtom

“I bring my family to this community center to help them stay away from gun violence, please help us” –Michael Girmai

“I live in the new holly park neighborhoods and there is always youth gun violence. I always worry if my kids will come back alive.”

“Please help our youth who will be the foundation of this community in the future.”

“We are losing our kids to gun violence specially here in south Seattle. We need effective policy.” –Family members of the Eritrean Family Advisory Group


Seattle has experienced 38 nightlife shootings this year, including 15 between the hours of 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. In August 2024, these shootings made up 11% of all shootings in the city. Over the past decade, there have been dozens of shootings and homicides that have occurred in connection with after-hours nightlife lounges that operate between the hours of 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.

  • On July 23, 2015, Donald “Donnie” Chin, the director of the International District Emergency Center was shot and killed at approximately 3 a.m. while trying to protect his community from shootings and fight disturbances connected to after-hours nightlife activity in the International District;
  • On August 17, 2024, Francisco Escatell was killed at approximately 3 a.m. in a shooting inside of an after-hours club in the SODO neighborhood;
  • On August 19, 2023, Nadia Kassa, Jonathan Bishu, and Trevis Bellard were killed and six more were injured at approximately 4:30 a.m. in a shooting at an after-hours nightclub on Rainier Avenue South;

It’s widely believed that some venues sell alcohol after 2 a.m. without a liquor license. This legislation can provide tools to enforce illegal after-hour activities.

What’s Next

The legislation will be introduced in time for council committee considerations in December.

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