Councilmember Dan Strauss (District 6, Northwest Seattle) and Taproot Theatre Company released a statement today clarifying the events from the public safety forum hosted earlier this week:
Councilmember Strauss:
“Upon arrival, I said to the organizers they might be able to create a safer, more candid space if they ask people not to record. I am sorry for suggesting that,” said Councilmember Strauss.
“I am an elected official. I know I have signed up for public scrutiny and accountability. However, the community members present did not. My intention was to foster an environment where people – neighbors of mine who have real, profound concerns about safety in our community – could have a safe space to speak freely. I apologize for any miscommunication or misunderstanding, and that this event unfolded this way.
“The media, as a pillar of our democracy, is essential to ensuring that everyone can participate in our civic dialogue. In that spirit, all residents and members of the press are invited to the town hall my office is hosting tomorrow night.”
Taproot Theatre Company:
“As a community member, I’m invested in Greenwood and the safety and wellbeing of all the people who live, work, and visit the neighborhood,” said Karen Lund, Producing Artistic Director, Taproot Theatre Company. “I’ve seen the community come together over the years in support of one another and want it to thrive.
“Many people in the Greenwood community have expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to sit in the same room as (Councilmember) Strauss and (Rep.) Noel Frame and to be able to speak directly of their concerns.
“My intention was to create a safe environment for the community and public officials to dialogue. I understand now the impact of the press not being allowed to record the event. Though many of the press were present in the room throughout the evening, I asked that cameras leave and wait to record until the panel discussion concluded. Some members of the press arrived after the room was at full capacity under fire code and they were not able to enter until accommodations could be made.”
Invite to town hall tomorrow night
Councilmember Strauss will be hosting that town hall tomorrow night, October 20th, from 6 PM – 7:30 PM at the Loyal Heights Community Center (LOCATION: 2101 NW 77th St. Seattle, WA 98117). The purpose is to discuss the City budget, homelessness, public safety, and any other issues that are important to the public. All residents and journalists are invited to attend and record the event at their discretion.