SEATTLE – Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda (Position 8, Citywide) was appointed to the Board of Directors for the National League of Cities (NLC), a national network of city leaders focused on improving the quality of life of their constituents.
“Some of the most innovative and exciting policies in the country are happening in cities – from reimagining land use policy to creating inclusionary zoning, to protecting workers, building affordable housing, providing immediate relief to families in the wake of the pandemic, and so much more,” said Mosqueda. “The National League of Cities is an incredible organization that allows elected officials from across the United States to learn and grow from one another, myself included. I’m profoundly honored by this appointment.”
NLC is governed by a board of directors that is comprised of four officers (president, first vice president, second vice president, and immediate past president), all past presidents still in local government service, eight state league directors, seven advocacy committee chairs, and forty at-large members. The appointment is a two-year term.
As part of the National League of Cities, Mosqueda was previously a member of the National Housing Affordability Task Force and the Human Development Committee.