In this season of thanks, I am so grateful to be representing you and District 4 at Seattle City Council. Last Tuesday evening, I was sworn into office in Magnuson Park. You can watch my remarks here.

After we moved into City Hall last Wednesday, our first full day of work started with Council Briefings in the morning and the regularly scheduled Full Council meeting in the afternoon.
To share tokens of gratitude as a newly elected member of City Council, I brought gifts from District 4: carrot cake from 14 Carrot Cafe on Eastlake Ave and coffee mugs from Bulldog News on The Ave in the U District.

The week ahead promises to be dynamic and busy, and we hope you’ll stay in touch! If you’re calling about:
- City Budget, Labor Issues, and Scheduling please contact Alexa Halling, 206-684-5398
- Homelessness, Education, and Neighborhood Businesses, please contact Cara Kadoshima Vallier, 206-684-8593
- Transportation, Zoning, and the Environment, please contact Toby Thaler, 206-256-6267
- District specific concerns, including Public Safety, please contact Lhorna Murray, 206-684-5255
Our main office phone number is 206-684-8808 or you can email me at
For the full bios of our talented staff, click here.
For a link to our website with more information, click here.
As a reminder, City Council recess will occur between Monday, December 22 and Friday, January 3, with regular committee meetings reconvening in the New Year.