Councilmember Rob Johnson (District 4, Northeast Seattle) celebrated Council’s unanimous vote to dedicate funding toward Magnuson Park community improvements today. Through the Council’s quarterly supplemental budget, Councilmembers dedicated $75,000 toward increased park security at Magnuson Park and enhanced human services for low-income residents there. Further, the City has committed to enhancing lighting at Magnuson Park, supporting additional operating hours and programming at Magnuson Community Center, and improving Metro transit service route 62 to serve Sand Point and Magnuson Park residents and visitors 18 hours per day.
Councilmember Johnson met with Magnuson Park community members following the shooting of Charleena Lyles and recent reports of bullying and theft to discuss potential improvements to the area. Johnson worked with City Budget Office staff to identify unused 2017 dollars to help fund the community recommendations. Johnson then developed an amendment to the mid-year supplemental budget to allocate the funds for the Magnuson Park community.
“I’m so thankful to the committed and engaged community members who approached me with their ideas. It’s thanks to their advocacy that Council approved these improvements today. There’s larger long-term investments that we need to act on, and I intend to fight for additional community support through the Council’s annual budget review process this fall,” said Councilmember Johnson.
Johnson added, “King County Metro, the Mayor’s Office, the City Budget Office, and the Parks, Human Services, and Transportation Departments have really stepped up and helped make these necessary improvements a reality. I’m thankful for the collaboration that has taken place to get us one step closer to seeing short term investments made to promote a safer community offering more positive and healthy opportunities for all who live, work, and play in Magnuson Park.”
Lhorna Murray, a resident at Brettler Family Place in Magnuson Park, said, “For those of us who live in the park this funding means everything. It’s life changing because it includes tangible solutions to issues that affect the day-to-day life of so many families and children who live in and visit the park.”
Murray added, “This really is so much more than just a budget amendment, it’s a new beginning, and I hope we can sustain this positive path forward all the way into fall at the Council’s annual budget review process.”