Councilmember M. Lorena González (Position 9, Citywide) issued the following statement following a vote of 11-1 to approve BOH17-04 “relating to the disclosure of information by limited service pregnancy centers” in her capacity as a member of the King County Board of Health:
“Limited service pregnancy centers’ aren’t health care clinics and anyone entering a ‘fake clinic’ deserves to know they are not entering a legitimate medical facility. While today’s Board of Health meeting discussion about signage may have seemed like a regulatory matter, our vote made clear that women deserve full and accurate information when making major life decisions.
“When a woman walks through the door, she wants to know what services – if any – will be provided. We can’t let ‘fake clinics’ take advantage of those without comprehensive understanding of the English language, which is why it was especially important that multi-lingual disclosure signage be displayed at the entrance and in the waiting room.
“If an adult woman wants to use a limited service pregnancy center, I support her choice to do so. My vote today was to ensure that any woman enter a ‘pregnancy center’ can make her decision knowing that the information being provided while there is not coming from a certified medical professional.”