Councilmembers Issue Statements on Death of Donnie Chin
SEATTLE – Council President Tim Burgess, Councilmember Bruce Harrell and Councilmember John Okamoto issued the following statements in response to the tragic death of Donnie Chin early this morning:
Council President Tim Burgess: “The shooting of Donnie Chin is a shocking and profound loss to the people of the Chinatown-International District and the entire Seattle community. For decades, Donnie was a true servant to the people, graciously and humbly caring for visitors and residents of his neighborhood. He loved his neighbors deeply. He was passionate in his service. He was ‘on duty’ 24/7, always responding with a helping hand. Donnie’s life of love will always be stronger than the senseless act of violence that cut it short. The thoughts and prayers of Donnie’s friends in city government are with his family and friends in this incredibly difficult time.”
Councilmember Bruce Harrell: “I am saddened and outraged by the shooting death of Donnie Chin earlier this morning. Donnie spent a lifetime helping people, saving countless lives over decades of service as founder and director of the Chinatown-International District Emergency Center. This city has a lost a man with a great heart and a lifelong commitment to the service of others. My thoughts and prayers are with Donnie’s family and all those who loved him.”
Councilmember John Okamoto: “Donnie Chin was a beloved community member who kept the International District safe at great cost to himself. This is a man who – just weeks ago – was the first responder to administer aid to my ailing father. He is a hero and a friend, and I will miss him dearly.”
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