Councilmember Bagshaw Statement on Department of Neighborhoods Director Appointment

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Councilmember Bagshaw Statement on Department of Neighborhoods Director Appointment

SEATTLECouncilmember Sally Bagshaw, chair of the Utilities & Neighborhoods Committee, today issued the following statement in response to Mayor Murray’s appointment of Kathy Nyland as Director of the Department of Neighborhoods:

“Neighborhoods are the backbone of this city’s character, and with that in mind Kathy Nyland is an excellent choice to lead the efforts of our Department of Neighborhoods.  Kathy is true believer in what previous directors have called ‘neighbor power.’

“I first met Kathy during her early years as a fierce champion of her Georgetown neighborhood.   Kathy was a small business owner and later head of the City Neighborhood Council, and she has a reputation of empowering neighbors to create and build on their best assets – themselves.  More recently she became a member of my legislative team, during which time she contributed her political acumen, incredible insight and good humor to everything she accomplished.

“I look forward to joining forces with Kathy again in her new capacity as director, and feel confident that together we will promote what is unique in each neighborhood.”


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