Over the last two years, Seattle has seen a surge in hate crimes and discrimination against the LGBTQ community on Capitol Hill. We’re going to need to unite as a city and find bold and lasting solutions to address this crisis.
On March 3rd, 2015, together with Danni Askini from the Gender Justice League, I hosted a public forum to create a safe space for public testimony from the LGBTQ community and activists.
We shared our experiences & strategies to defeat anti-LBGTQ hate and violence. Speakers put forward concrete proposals, which ranged from the creation of a long-overdue LGBTQ youth homeless shelter to the implementation of rent control.
Thank you to everyone who attended and to all the activist organizations, community groups, and independent media outlets that co-sponsored the event. This forum is just the beginning of our work to build a city that is safe for the LGBTQ community.
You can watch the whole forum here, or watch my sum up and other segments via the video clips below.
Kshama Sawant / Seattle City Council
Danni Askini / Gender Justice League
Shannon Perez-Darby / NW Network of LGBTQ Survivor Abuse
Lils Fujikawa / API Chaya
Raven Heavy Runner / Northwest Two-Spirit Society, MSW
Jackie Sandberg / Peace for the Streets by Kids from the Streets
Christie Santos-Livengood / UW School of Public Health
Shaun Knittel / Social Outreach Seattle, Seattle Gay News
Zach Pullin / Capitol Hill Community Council
Courtney Sheehan / #CapHillPSA Project
Patricia Lally / Seattle Office for Civil Rights
Debbie Carlsen / LGBTQ Allyship
Public Comment / LGBTQ activists and community members speaking out