Councilmember Rasmussen Proposes Seattle Transit Advisory Board

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Councilmember Rasmussen Proposes Seattle Transit Advisory Board

SEATTLE – With improved bus service coming soon to Seattle, Councilmember Tom Rasmussen unveiled legislation before Council’s Transportation Committee today to create a Seattle Transit Advisory Board. Last fall Seattle voters approved Proposition 1, raising approximately $45 million per year to improve Metro bus service in Seattle.

The Advisory Board will serve as a public oversight committee. The Advisory Board will provide recommendations to the City on the spending of the $45 million, monitor the results of the additional service and provide comments and information relating to any changes that may be needed to Metro bus service.

“I am thrilled about the benefits coming to Metro bus riders in Seattle. Beginning in June many neighborhoods will have more frequent and reliable service. Some routes that had been cut will be restored,” said Rasmussen, the Chair of the City Council Transportation Committee.  

“Seattleites expect fiscal accountability and proper oversight of public funds, and the Transit Advisory Board will carry out that function much like the oversight committee for the Bridging the Gap Oversight Committee,” added Councilmember Rasmussen. “I’m very interested in hearing from a group dedicated to seeing we make the most effective use of these funds.”

The Advisory Board will be comprised of 11 members, plus a member of the Get Engaged program, and will be appointed by the Council and Mayor, and serve two-year terms. 

The legislation is expected to be approved in the Council Transportation Committee on Tuesday, February 24. After the legislation is adopted by the Full Council and signed by the Mayor, an application process will be opened for interested Seattle-residing applicants.

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