‘”Alice Doesn’t Day” Gains Council Support
City Councilwoman Jeanette Williams today received full Council support for a resolution supporting “Alice Doesn’t Have Equal Rights” day, set for October 29.
The resolution was passed by the Council in recognition of the contribution made by female employees to the City work force.
The resolution also gave official sanction to a one-hour leave for the City’s female employees on October 29 to enable them to attend one of six educational sessions on women’s rights.
The workshops, conducted by the Office of Women’s Rights, will deal primarily with discrimination in employment. Other subjects will include credit laws, maternity regulations, changing names, Third-World Women in employment and women in nontraditional roles. All sessions will be held in the auditorium of the Federal Building, 916 Second Avenue.
The National Organization for Women set October 19 as “Alice Doesn’t Day,” calling for a national strike by women to demonstrate their value to society. The local chapter of NOW, while not actively supporting the one-day strike, is urging women to observe the day by attending women’s rights workshops, and wearing green ribbons which say “Alice Doesn’t.” The ribbons are for sale at NOW headquarters, 2252 N.E. 65th Street.
Ms. Williams will speak at a Wednesday noon rally sponsored by NOW at the Second Avenue Plaza of the Federal Office Building.
The downtown YWCA will observe the day with a luncheon after which ten women will speak on the theme: “What would have happened if I had stayed home today.” Speakers will include a newspaper editor, King County Councilwoman, nurse, attorney, administrator, domestic engineer, professional housekeeper, athletics coordinator, community volunteer and a legal secretary. The invocation will be given by The Reverend Lois Frazer.’
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