SEATTLE – Councilmember Sally Bagshaw issued the following statement today after completing a visit with patrons of the Urban Rest Stop downtown location:
“Hygiene is a critical weapon in the fight against contagious disease. The services provided by the Urban Rest Stop improve the health of their patrons and impact overall public health in meaningful ways. My colleagues on the Seattle City Council and I committed an additional $200,000 to fund hygiene services like the Urban Rest Stop for 2015-2016.
“This investment ensures that homeless people in the greater downtown/South Lake Union area will continue to be able to find a restroom when they need one. Homeless children are able to go to school with clean clothes and healthy teeth. Their parents can go to work after a shower. Patrons are treated with dignity and respect and have access to assistance completing job applications, navigating housing resources, and learning where to find a hot meal. I was impressed and inspired by the training and experience level of the Urban Rest Stop staff and the cleanliness of the facility.
“Without this funding, the Urban Rest Stop would have had to cut services for the 5,700 people who rely on them each year. People would have had to find access to almost 29,000 restrooms. The impact on downtown and the surrounding area would have been instant and noticeable. There are few places for homeless families to brush their teeth, use the restroom and do their laundry together, or that homeless individuals can clean up before heading to work at 5:30 a.m., or do laundry after work at 9 p.m. This facility keeps patrons safe, clean and healthy – which helps keep everyone in Seattle safe, clean and healthy.”