We are about to pass a budget in the City of Seattle that truly puts people first. I am proud of the additional $1+ million my colleagues and I added to help people who are homeless get safe housing, to clean their clothes and shower, to charge their phones, to move off our city streets and so much more.
In addition, I applaud the organizations that are helping find solutions to homelessness. One of the big success stories in town is Mary’s Place. I am a HUGE fan of Mary’s Place because every day the people of Mary’s Place offer dignity and respect to women and families by bringing them inside off our cold streets. Marty Hartman who leads this organization has an amazing heart and is one of my heroes.
Yesterday, thanks to major gifts from Dick’s Drive-In, Evo, Vulcan Inc., The Space Needle/Seattle Hospitality Group, Evolution Projects, and the Harrelson family, Mary’s Place kicked off a crowd-sourcing effort to help raise over $250,000 to open another crisis-response winter night for women and children. Mary’s Place truly shows love and respect every day to everyone in their buildings, helping familes get stablized, keep children in school, provide nutritious meals and help individuals get back on their feet to move up and on.
My husband Brad and I are honored to support this effort personally. If you want to join me — we can make a difference for another 500+ women and children, right now thanks to Mary’s Place.