Statement on Parks Proposition 1 from Councilmembers Bagshaw, Godden

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City of Seattle

Councilmember Sally Bagshaw
Councilmember Jean Godden

Statement on Parks Proposition 1 from Councilmembers Bagshaw, Godden

SEATTLESeattle City Councilmembers Jean Godden and Sally Bagshaw released the following joint statement in response to this afternoon’s vote count on the proposed Seattle Park District, in which ‘yes’ votes lead 53.17% to 46.83%:

"Although the results are not final, they are promising, and we are confident in the success of this measure. Seattleites agree that our parks deserve a stable, long-term funding source. With voters’ approval, we can begin catching up on maintenance, restoring community center hours and ensuring equal access to parks throughout the city. Most importantly, this proposal is a sustainable way to address the ever-changing needs of Seattle parks. This is our legacy."

Proposition 1, which all nine Councilmembers support, would create a Metropolitan Parks District run by City Council and overseen by a broad-based citizens advisory committee.

[View in Council Newsroom]