Councilmember Godden Statement in Response to Resolution of Magnuson Park Tree-Cutting Case

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City of Seattle

Councilmember Jean Godden 

Councilmember Godden Statement in Response to Resolution of Magnuson Park Tree-Cutting Case

SeattleCouncilmember Jean Godden issued a statement in response to the resolution of the Magnuson Park tree-cutting case. Earlier this year Kurt Zwar was charged in Seattle Municipal Court with one count of Removal/Destruction of Parks Property pursuant to Seattle Municipal Code18.12.070(B):

"We treasure our volunteers and all the work they do.  However, we want to ensure visitors feel safe and that our Parklands are protected for future generations.  I would like to thank our City Attorney’s Office for its work on this case and Parks Superintendent Christopher Williams for his attention to this issue.  I am grateful to the Seattle Police, as well as the staff of Seattle Parks and Recreation for reporting on this crime and taking swift action."

[View in Council Newsroom]