A scanned copy of the signed resolution is available in the database record linked below:
Legislation passed by the Seattle City Council 6/17/14
Res. 31531
A RESOLUTION relating to contracting indebtedness; confirming, ratifying and approving certain terms of the issuance and sale of The City of Seattle, Washing ton, Drainage and Wastewater Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds, 2014, for the purposes set forth in Ordinance 124337 and in Ordinance 121938 (as amended by Ordinance 12220 9 and Ordinance 122637 and amended and restated by Ordinance 124338); confirming , ratifying and approving actions taken and to be taken to provide for the refun ding of certain outstanding bonds of the Drainage and Wastewater System of the City; and confirming, ratifying and approving actions taken and to be taken by the Direct or of Finance and other City officials relating to the issuance and sale of the bonds to the purchaser thereof.