Ladies Stand Tall

Home » Ladies Stand Tall

Earlier this month, four young gentlemen from Nathan Hale High School job shadowed me during a typical day at the Council. I was incredibly impressed by how prepared the students were when they arrived—particularly well-versed on Seattle’s gender wage gap. They interviewed me about my gender wage equity work and blew me away with their grasp of the effects of such gender wage inequity on society, as well as their dedication to narrowing the gap.

Well, these students are as impatient as I am to see opportunities for women equal to those of men. They are raising awareness now through a rap. And I couldn’t be prouder. These are the men of Seattle’s future that have women’s backs as they rhyme, “ladies stand tall.” They get it. “Day by day women get delayed,” in Seattle and this impacts everyone.

Click here to view the video on YouTube.


In their music video at Magnuson Park, they proudly strut my gender wage gap buttons and remind us, “times are switchin’.” Seattle’s wage gap is still 73 cents on the dollar, but thanks to the energy of these students, not for long. I’m eternally grateful to these young men for taking the gender wage gap message to Nathan Hale High School and YouTube. Please share their words on the gender wage gap with those who are ready to see pay equality a reality.