Councilmember Tom Rasmussen
Council Approves Bicycle Master Plan Update
SEATTLE – Following a year-long discussion about safe and comfortable bicycling in Seattle, the Seattle Bicycle Master Plan Update (BMP) was passed by Full Council today with a vote of 9-0.
Resolution 31515, which officially approves the BMP, emphasizes the transformational new way of thinking about bicycle projects within Seattle. The Plan makes safety a top priority for all roadway users, including cyclists, pedestrians, and vehicle drivers. The Plan also makes recommendations for 238 new miles of neighborhood greenways that will create safe, healthy streets in our neighborhoods. The Plan additionally incorporates new and improved bicycle project design standards developed by National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) for intersections, signs and markings, and protected bicycle lanes.
The BMP legislation, sponsored by Transportation Committee Chair Councilmember Tom Rasmussen, expands on the 2007 BMP. The 2014 Plan Update was developed in partnership with members of the Council’s Transportation Committee, the Executive, and the Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board (SBAB), and reflects comments submitted by stakeholder groups and neighborhood representatives during numerous community open house meetings over the last eighteen months.
Rasmussen expressed pride following Full Council adoption. "I want to thank my colleagues and the members of our community who have demonstrated continued interest in the Seattle Bicycle Master Plan. Your comments have been appreciated, and the adoption of this Resolution ensures bicycling in Seattle is safe and comfortable for users of all ages and abilities," said Rasmussen. "I also want to thank the local representatives and stakeholders who care deeply about bicycling in their neighborhoods. I am committed to ensuring that SDOT will include you during the development of bicycle projects in your community."
"Public transportation and safe cycling are two issues that brought me to City Hall," said Councilmember Mike O’Brien, and member of the Transportation Committee. "I’ve been a steadfast supporter of safe streets and city cycling from the beginning, and updating the BMP is a big step in that direction."
"I am confident that as we move forward with the Bicycle Master Plan, community engagement and input will play an important role in shaping priorities and ensuring the Plan is consistent with the needs of residents," said Councilmember Jean Godden, and member of the Committee.
"With this Plan we will enhance neighborhoods across the city and create a network of Neighborhood Greenways for all ages and abilities," said Councilmember Sally Bagshaw. "Thanks to Councilmember Rasmussen and to SDOT, our growing Seattle Neighborhood Greenways group is brimming with potential and possibility."
The Plan requires an annual implementation progress report be submitted to Council and reviewed and endorsed by SBAB; and, will be updated every 5-7 years.