PDF copies of the signed legislation are available in the database records linked below:
Ord. 124424
C.B. 118020
AN ORDINANCE relating to historic preservation, imposing controls upon Alexander Hall, a landmark designated by the Landmarks Preservation Board under Chapter 25.12 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding it to the Table of Historical Landmarks contained in Chapter 25.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
Ord. 124425
C.B. 118022
AN ORDINANCE relating to historic preservation, imposing controls upon the Chiarelli-Dore House, a landmark designated by the Landmarks Preservation Board under Chapter 25.12 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding it to the Table of Historical Landmarks contained in Chapter 25.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
Ord. 124426
C.B. 118030
AN ORDINANCE relating to the City Light Department, directing the transfer of certain funds in the Light Fund into the Rate Stabilization Account in 2013.
Ord. 124427
C.B. 118032
AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering t he payment thereof
Res. 31505
A RESOLUTION setting the public hearing on the petition of West Seattle Project X, LLC for the vacation of a portion of the alley in Block 3, Norris Addition to West Seattle in the West Seattle Junction Hub Urban Village area of Seattle; according to Chapter 35.79 Revised Code of Washington, Seattle Municipal Code 15.62, and Clerk File 312783.