Action Summary of the Seattle City Council
Full Council Meeting
Monday, March 31, 2014
(Councilmembers Rasmussen and Sawant were excused)
1. Clerk File 313638 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (7-0)
Appointment of Steven Simpson as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to June 1, 2016.
2. Clerk File 313639 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (7-0)
Reappointment of Samuel Y. Park as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to June 1 , 2015.
3. Clerk File 313640 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (7-0)
Reappointment of Lily K. Iftner as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to June 1 , 2016.
4. Clerk File 313641 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (7-0)
Reappointment of Jim Safranek as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to June 1, 2016.
5. Clerk File 313642 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (7-0)
Appointment of Jack D. Hawes as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to June 1, 2 015.
6. Clerk File 313643 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (7-0)
Reappointment of Greg Gilda as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to June 1, 20 16.
7. Clerk File 313644 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (7-0)
Reappointment of Eric Vander Mey as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, f or a term of confirmation to June 1, 2016.
8. Clerk File 313645 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (7-0)
Reappointment of Bryan Boeholt as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to June 1, 2015.
9. Clerk File 313646 (PDF Version) CONFIRMED (7-0)
Appointment of Allan Wakeling as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to June 1, 2015.
10. Resolution 31509 (PDF Version) ADOPTED (7-0)
Approving the proposed budget of the Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission for fiscal year 2014.