Action Summary, Monday, March 31, 2014

Home » Action Summary, Monday, March 31, 2014

Action Summary of the Seattle City Council

Full Council Meeting

Monday, March 31, 2014

 (Councilmembers Rasmussen and Sawant were excused)



1.    Clerk File 313638  (PDF Version)  CONFIRMED (7-0)
Appointment of Steven Simpson as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to June 1, 2016.

2. Clerk File 313639  (PDF Version)  CONFIRMED (7-0)
Reappointment of Samuel Y. Park as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to June 1 , 2015.

3. Clerk File 313640  (PDF Version)  CONFIRMED (7-0)
Reappointment of Lily K. Iftner as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to June 1 , 2016.

4. Clerk File 313641 (PDF Version)  CONFIRMED (7-0)
Reappointment of Jim Safranek as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to June 1, 2016.

5. Clerk File 313642  (PDF Version)  CONFIRMED (7-0)
Appointment of Jack D. Hawes as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to June 1, 2 015.

6. Clerk File 313643  (PDF Version)  CONFIRMED (7-0)
Reappointment of Greg Gilda as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to June 1, 20 16.

7. Clerk File 313644  (PDF Version)  CONFIRMED (7-0)
Reappointment of Eric Vander Mey as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, f or a term of confirmation to June 1, 2016.

8. Clerk File 313645  (PDF Version)  CONFIRMED (7-0)
Reappointment of Bryan Boeholt as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to June 1, 2015.

9. Clerk File 313646  (PDF Version)  CONFIRMED (7-0)
Appointment of Allan Wakeling as member, Construction Codes Advisory Board, for a term of confirmation to June 1, 2015.

10. Resolution 31509  (PDF Version)  ADOPTED (7-0)
Approving the proposed budget of the Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission for fiscal year 2014.