Action Summary, Monday, September 9, 2013

Home » Action Summary, Monday, September 9, 2013


1. Council Bill 117781 Held until October 7, 2013
Relating to land use and zoning, creating a new Section 23.42.058 and amending Sections 23.50.012, 23.84A.012, 23. 84A.018, and 23.84A.025 of the Seattle Municipal Code to establish locational restrictions on the production, processing, selling, or delivery of marijuana, to modify the definition of food processing, and to modify existing allowances for agricultural u ses in certain industrial areas.

2. Council Bill 117898 PASSED (9-0)
Relating to land use and zoning; extending by six months the effect of interim development regulations to prohibit incompatible buildings on undersized single- family-zoned lots; and declaring an emergency requiring a three-fourths vo te of the City Council so that the ordinance may take effect immediately.

3. Council Bill  117901 PASSED (9-0)
Relating to land use and zoning; amending Section 23.47A.013 of the Seattle Municipal Code to implement minimum fl oor area ratio requirements for lots with pedestrian designations in Neighborhood Commercial zones within Urban Centers, Urban Villages, and the Station Area Overlay District; and declaring an emergency requiring a three-fourths vote of the City C ouncil so that the ordinance may take effect immediately.

4. Resolution 31484 ADOPTED (8-1; opposed: Godden)
Supporting Washington State Initiative 522 (I- 522) and expressing the support of the Seattle City Council for the mandatory labeling of genetically engineered products so consumers can make informed choices.

5. Council Bill 117867 Referred to Energy and Environment Committee
Relating to the Seattle Residential Code, amending Section 22.150.010, and adopting by reference Chapters 2 throug h 10, 12 through 24, Section P2904, 44, and Appendices F and G of the 2012 International Residential Code, and amending certain of those chapters; adopting a new Chapter 1 related to administration, permitting and enforcement; and repealing Sections 2 -18 of Ordinance 123383.