Councilmember Bruce Harrell
Council Committee to target Downtown Public Safety
Seattle – Councilmember Bruce Harrell will convene a discussion tomorrow regarding recent public safety incidents in Downtown Seattle and how to define and implement solutions.
“I absolutely understand the frustrations of people working and traveling through this area. It is unacceptable for visitors and employees to feel unsafe,” said Councilmember Bruce Harrell, chair of the Council’s Public Safety, Civil Rights and Technology Committee. “The Committee will put forward a plan with measurable checkpoints in order to stop the problems at specific public places in the Downtown corridor.”
The Committee will review the Seattle Police Department’s presence downtown and analyze a proactive policing plan to enhance public safety. Additional topics include downtown crime statistics; police staffing reports and future staffing levels; hot spot policing program outcomes; Community Court data and trends; and enforcement of citations.
Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology Committee workgroup discussion regarding downtown public safety
2 p.m., Wednesday, September 4
Seattle City Hall
Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
600 Fourth Ave, Seattle 98104
The following representatives/departments have confirmed their attendance:
Seattle Police Department (Chief James Pugel)
City Attorney’s Office (City Attorney Pete Holmes, Craig Sims)
Mayor’s Office (Ethan Raup and Carl Marquardt)
Seattle Municipal Court (Betty McNeely)
Parks Department (Christopher Williams)
Human Services Department (Catherine Lester and Sola Plumacher)
Department of Planning and Development (Gary Johnson)
King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office (Dan Satterberg)
King County Sheriff’s Office (Sheriff John Urquhart)
Downtown Seattle Association (Jon Scholes)
Chinatown-International District Business Improvement Area – CIDBIA (Don Blakeney)
Alliance for Pioneer Square (Leslie Smith)
Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce