This afternoon, with his family in Chambers, City Council presented a joint proclamation celebrating the life of Kip Yoshino Tokuda. In July, we were all shocked to learn of the passing of the former state legislator and community advocate. It’s still hard to believe.
As many know, but it is worthy reminding, Kip was a champion of racial justice, public safety and the welfare of children and seniors. He advocated on many issues including developmental disabilities while serving in the State House representing the 37th Legislative District back in 1994. As a community leader, he was instrumental in the founding of the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Washington and the Asian Pacific Islander Community Leader Foundation.
Though he was known for his work in Olympia, Kip also served the city well. He once served as the interim director of the City of Seattle Human Service Department’s Family and Youth Services Division, and was recently appointed to the Seattle Community Police Commission. It was his unwavering passion and energy to bring equitable access to all members of our society that left an immense impact and enduring sense of loss.
Kip Tokuda encouraged many to engage in leadership roles in politics and nonprofit organizations. Because of that passion and dedication – in no small part to young people in his community– his legacy will live on. Those of us he has inspired will continue to appreciate the countless ways his work and service touched our lives.
Thank you to Kip for all that he did. And thank you to his family for coming down today to receive, formally, this special and much deserved recognition.