The following is a summation of Council actions at Monday’s 2 p.m. Full Council meeting.
1. Council Bill 117781 (PDF Version) HELD UNTIL SEPTEMBER 9, 2013
Relating to land use and zoning, creating a new Section 23.42.058 and amending Sections 23.50.012, 23.84A.012, 23.84A.018, and 23.84A.025 of the Seattle Municipal Code to establish locational restrictions on the production, processing, selling, or delivery of marijuana, to modify the definition of food processing, and to modify existing allowances for agricultural uses in certain industrial areas.
2. Clerk File 313156 (PDF Version) CONFIRM (9 – 0)
Appointment of Holly D. Golden as member, Seattle Center Advisory Commission, for a term of confirmation to September 28, 2014.
3. Clerk File 313157 (PDF Version) CONFIRM (9 – 0)
Appointment of A. Grace Dwomoh as member, Seattle Center Advisory Commission, for a term of confirmation to September 1, 2014.
4. Council Bill 117864 (PDF Version) PASS AS AMENDED (9 – 0)
Relating to the Seattle Sister Cities program, amending sections 1.24.010 and 1.24.020 of the Seattle Municipal Code; and adding new sections 3.14.440, 3.14.450, 3.14.460, and 3.14.470 to the Seattle Municipal Code.
5. Council Bill 117845 (PDF Version) PASS (9 – 0)
Related to City banking contracts; creating a new Chapter 20.65 in Title 20 of the Seattle Municipal Code; requiring the Director of the Department of Finance and Administrative Services to consider socially responsible banking practices when selecting vendors for depository services; and requiring periodic reports to the City Council.
6. Council Bill 117853 (PDF Version) PASS (9 – 0)
Relating to the City Light Department; revising project allocations for certain projects in the 2013-2018 Adopted CIP in order to allow for additional expenditures for Boundary Powerhouse, Generator Unit 53; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
7. Council Bill 117860 (PDF Version) PASS (9 – 0)
Relating to City employment and the 2013 Adopted Budget; authorizing execution of a collective bargaining agreement between the City of Seattle and the Seattle Parking Enforcement Officers’ Guild to be effective January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2013; amending Ordinance 124058 by increasing appropriations to the Police Department for providing the 2011 and 2012 retroactive payments therefor; and ratifying and confirming prior acts.
8. Council Bill 117862 (PDF Version) PASS (9 – 0)
Relating to City contracting; increasing an appropriation in the Department of Finance and Administrative Services 2013 Adopted Budget; creating two new full-time positions to monitor and enforce wage and labor conditions, including wage-theft violations; requiring a report summarizing the work performed; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts in connection thereto; all by a three-fourths vote of the City Council.
9. Council Bill 117863 (PDF Version) PASS (9 – 0)
Relating to the Seattle City Employees’ Retirement System; clarifying the delegation and contracting authority of the Retirement System Board of Administration; and amending Section 4.36.140 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
10. Resolution 31469 (PDF Version) ADOPTED (9 – 0)
To initiate a five-year SoDo (South of Downtown) Parking and Business Improvement Area.
11. Resolution 31470 (PDF Version) ADOPTED (9 – 0)
Of intention to establish a five-year SoDo (South of Downtown) Parking and Business Improvement Area and fixing a date and place for a hearing thereon.
12. Resolution 31471 (PDF Version) ADOPTED (9 – 0)
Of intention to disestablish the 1983 Pioneer Square Parking and Business Improvement Area, and fixing a date and place for a hearing thereon.
13. Resolution 31472 (PDF Version) ADOPTED (9 – 0)
To initiate a Pioneer Square Parking and Business Improvement Area.
14. Resolution 31473 (PDF Version) ADOPTED (9 – 0)
Of intention to establish a Pioneer Square Parking and Business Improvement Area, and fixing a date and place for a hearing thereon.
15. Resolution 31474 (PDF Version) ADOPTED (9 – 0)
Amending Resolution 31334; clarifying the City’s approach toward amortizing the unfunded liability of the Seattle City Employees’ Retirement System (SCERS); and requesting that the SCERS Board of Administration and its actuary deliver to the City Council in 2014 an analysis of other potential assumption and policy changes designed to further strengthen the retirement system.
16. Resolution 31475 (PDF Version) ADOPTED (9 – 0)
Approving interest rates set by the Seattle City Employees’ Retirement System (SCERS) Board of Administration for 2014.
17. Council Bill 117842 (PDF Version) PASS (9 – 0)
Relating to the Technology Matching Fund Program; making allocations and authorizing implementation of certain Technology Matching Fund projects in 2013; providing that 2013 appropriations for the Technology Matching Fund from the Cable Television Franchise Subfund and from the Information Technology Fund shall automatically carry forward into the 2014 fiscal year; that any unspent funds from an individual project may be applied to another Technology Matching Fund project; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
18. Council Bill 117866 (PDF Version) PASS (9 – 0)
Relating to the regulation of wheelchair accessible taxicab licenses; and amending Sections 6.310.330 of the Seattle Municipal Code in connection thereto.