PDF copies of the signed legislation are available in the database records linked below:
Ord. 124110
C.B. 117715
AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.
Ord. 124111
C.B. 117705
AN ORDINANCE relating to the Department of Finance and Administrative Services; amending Ordinance 122519 regarding the proposed sale of three parcels of City property, in order to correct typographical errors in the legal descriptions of those properties.
Ord. 124112
C.B. 117704
AN ORDINANCE relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; authorizing the Superintendent to enter into a concession agreement with Marination LLC to manage and operate a restaurant and rental concession at the Seacrest Boathouse; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Ord. 124113
C.B. 117694
AN ORDINANCE related to the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation; amending Chapters 18.12, and 18.30 of the Seattle Municipal Code, to clarify the enforcement authority and procedures of the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation.
Ord. 124114
C.B. 117680
AN ORDINANCE relating to economic development; stating the purpose and initial charge of the Economic Development Commission; amending Sections 3.53.020 and 3.53.030 to reflect the increased number of commissioners on the Economic Development Commission; and amending Sections 3.53.030, 3.53.060, and 3.53.070 to delete and correct references to Chapter 3.15.
Res. 31426
A RESOLUTION adopting Seattle’s Solid Waste Plan 2011 Revision to the 1998 Plan “On the Path to Sustainability,” as amended by the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendment.
Res. 31427
A RESOLUTION relating to the State Route 520 Interstate 5 to Medina Bridge Replacement and High Occupancy Vehicle Project; recognizing the completion of the Seattle Community Design Process and recommending actions by the City of Seattle and State of Washington based on results of this process.