1. C.B. 117694
AN ORDINANCE related to the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation; amending Chapters 18.12, and 18.30 of the Seattle Municipal Code, to clarify the enforcement authority and procedures of the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation.
Committee referral: Parks and Neighborhoods
2. C.B. 117695
AN ORDINANCE relating to the City Light Department, amending SMC 21.49.086.G relating to the operation of the Rate Stabilization Account.
Committee referral: Energy and Environment
3. C.B. 117696
AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.
Committee referral: Full Council
4. Res. 31426
A RESOLUTION adopting Seattle’s Solid Waste Plan 2011 Revision to the 1998 Plan “On the Path to Sustainability,” as amended by the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendment.
Committee referral: Libraries, Utilities, and Center
5. Res. 31427
A RESOLUTION relating to the State Route 520 Interstate 5 to Medina Bridge Replacement and High Occupancy Vehicle Project; recognizing the completion of the Seattle Community Design Process and recommending actions by the City of Seattle and State of Washington based on results of this process.
Committee referral: SR 520
BY Conlin
6. C.F. 312737
Appointment of Martin G. Regge as member, Seattle Design Commission, for a term of confirmation to March 1, 2014.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability
BY Licata
7. C.F. 312738
Appointment of Diane Narasaki as member, Pacific Hospital Preservation and Development Authority Governing Council, for a term of confirmation to December 31, 2015.
Committee referral: Housing, Human Services, Health, and Culture
BY Harrell
8. C.F. 312730
Appointment and Oath of Office of Erin Devoto as Chief Technology Officer of the Department of Information Technology, for a term of confirmation to February 25, 2017.
Committee referral: Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology (Corrected Committee Assignment Name)