We have a fiscal responsibility and a moral obligation to invest in
effective programs both for the taxpayers and for the vulnerable who rely on
our vital services. The proactive measurement and evaluation of results is what
Seattle residents expect and deserve.
To further our efforts to budget wisely and effectively, my committee today unanimously approved legislation (Resolution 31425) calling for the design and funding of evaluations of any new programs in the Mayor’s 2014 budget proposal.
The resolution states the Council’s expectation that any funding proposal for new or expanded programs in the Mayor’s next budget be accompanied by independent evidence of its effectiveness. If the proposed program is un-tested, the Council will expect the Mayor’s submittal to include funding and design of a thorough and independent evaluation.
In its deliberations last November for the 2013 City budget, the Council added funding for the City Auditor to help design and implement evaluations of new and expanded programs proposed in the budget. Today’s action signals the committee’s intent for this work to be done prior to the delivery of the Mayor’s budget proposal to the Council in future budget cycles.