City Council’s Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee will hold a public hearing on a proposed rezone for the South Lake Union Neighborhood on Wednesday, November 14 at 5:30 p.m.the City Council Chambers, on the 2nd floor of City Hall at 600 4thAvenue, between Cherry and James.
The proposed rezone would increase maximum building heights for commercial and residential buildings, and allow additional height for residential buildings through incentives.
The largest change would increase allowable heights from 40 to 240 feet near the south end of Lake Union for residential development, with incentives. The maps below show current zoning on the left, and proposed zoning on the right (click for a larger picture).
Additional details are available at the DPD website, which contains links to a summary of the proposal, a longer presentation, and the Director’s Report.
An earlier hearing was held on July 24.