Council President Sally J. Clark
Councilmember Sally Bagshaw
Councilmember Tim Burgess
Councilmember Richard Conlin
Councilmember Jean Godden
Councilmember Bruce Harrell
Councilmember Nick Licata
Councilmember Mike O’Brien
Councilmember Tom Rasmussen
Seattle City Councilmembers support Supreme Court ruling
on Affordable Health Care Act
SEATTLE – Seattle City Councilmembers today celebrated the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling to uphold the Affordable Health Care Act:
"I applaud the Supreme Court’s careful review of the arguments," stated Council President Sally J. Clark. "Coverage for all Americans is critical to urban places, as well as rural. Now we have work to do to ensure health care outcomes improve along with coverage."
"The Supreme Court chose logic over politics with this decision," stated Councilmember Nick Licata, chair of the Human Services, Health and Culture committee. "Now Washington voters must let their state leaders know if they support the expansion of the Medicaid allotment."
"I am pleased with the Supreme Court’s ruling this morning," said Councilmember Tim Burgess. "We can now focus on the improvements necessary to make comprehensive health care affordable, efficient and effective for all Americans."
"This is an extraordinary opportunity to reshape our health care system by combining quality health care with affordable health care," added Councilmember Richard Conlin. "Seattle is working with our local providers to reshape our local system to ensure that all of us – including the least, the lost, and the left-behind, will share the blessings of healthy lives."
Councilmember Sally Bagshaw added, "I have longed for today’s headline. Four years ago, Obama said, ‘Yes we can’ and today five Supreme Court Justices said, ‘Yes we will’ to affordable health care. At long last, all Americans will have choices and accessibility to a health plan. Thank goodness."
"I think that we always knew that extending the benefits of health care was the right thing to do. Now we know that it is not only right, but it is also constitutional," stated Councilmember Jean Godden.
"With national health care reform upheld, Washington can get to work making sure everyone has access to affordable, quality care," stated Councilmember Mike O’Brien. "Affordable health care will bring equity to those that need care and provide continued coverage for those already insured."
"After today’s ruling by the Supreme Court the thirty million Americans currently without health insurance will begin having access to affordable health care," stated Councilmember Tom Rasmussen. "This is a great step forward for America"
"I have seen the detrimental impact of not having medical coverage in my own life through the eyes of family members, friends, and colleagues. This decision will ensure that they are no longer one major medical emergency away from health and financial disaster," said Councilmember Bruce Harrell. "People can now seek solace knowing that their health is not tied to their employment status. This is absolutely critical in building a healthy Seattle."
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