Councilmember Bruce A. Harrell
Join the Seattle City Council in discussing
Cultural Competency and Bias with Dr. Edwin Nichols
Seattle – Join Dr. Edwin Nichols and Seattle City Councilmembers Bruce Harrell and Mike O’Brien for a brown bag discussion on Cultural Competency and Bias. Are City Departments making the grade? Dr. Edwin Nichols is a nationally renowned psychologist specializing in organizational development and the philosophical aspects of cultural difference.
Dr. Nichol’s commitment is to help organizations achieve systemic congruence through cultural competence. He sees Cultural Competence as the ability to extract from others the uniqueness of different skill sets in solving problems, which means seeing others who might be "different" as having abilities rather than viewing them as people who have no abilities. The latter turns into cultural bias. When all entities in an organization or system are congruent with this positive behavior, they can truly become culturally competent. Dr. Nichol’s paper, "The Philosophical Aspects of Cultural Difference," represents the leading edge of research in this field.
Thursday, May 17, 2012, at 12:30 p.m.
Council Chambers, second floor
Seattle City Hall, 600 Fourth Avenue, Seattle 98104
Councilmember Bruce A. Harrell
Councilmember Mike O’Brien
Seattle Human Rights Commission
Seattle Office for Civil Rights
Dr. Edwin Nichols: Clinical/industrial psychologist specializing in organizational development. He is currently director of Nichols and Associates, Inc., an applied behavioral science firm that focuses on the philosophical aspects of cultural difference. He has served as a consultant to Fortune 500 companies, national and international government agencies, and non-profits. He holds a Ph.D. cum laude in psychology and psychiatry. He is a fellow of the Austrian Ministry of Education, a visiting scholar for the Rockefeller Foundation at the Bellagio Study Center in Italy, and a distinguished clinical psychologist for the Harvard University Foundation.
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