Seattle City Council 1/9/12 Introduction and Referral Calendar

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Seattle City Council Introduction and Referral Calendar January 9, 2012

1. C.B. 117381

AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.
Committee referral: Full Council

2. C.B. 117382

AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.
Committee referral: Full Council

3. C.B. 117383

AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof.
Committee referral: Full Council


4. C.B. 117375

AN ORDINANCE relating to land use and zoning, amending the Official Land Use Map at pages 131 and 132 to rezone land in the North Beacon Hill Residential Urban Village and to expand the boundaries of the North Beacon Hill Station Area Overlay District.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability (Originally referred to Committee on the Built Environment on December 12, 2011).

5. C.B. 117376

AN ORDINANCE relating to land use and zoning, amending the Official Land Use Map at pages 159, 173, and 174 to rezone land in the MLK at Holly St Residential Urban Village.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability (Originally referred to Committee on the Built Environment on December 12, 2011).

6. Res. 31348

A RESOLUTION designating the monthly President Pro Tem of the City Council of the City of Seattle for 2012-2013 and superseding Resolution 31178.
Committee referral: Full Council

7. Res. 31349

A RESOLUTION relating to committee structure, membership, meeting times, and duties of the standing committees of the Seattle City Council for 2012 and 2013, and superseding Resolution 31179.
Committee referral: Full Council

8. Res. 31350

A RESOLUTION relating to Seattle City Councilmember participation, for 2012 and 2013, on King County Committees, Regional Committees, State Committees, and City of Seattle Committees, and superseding Resolution 31180.
Committee referral: Full Council

BY Bagshaw, Clark, Rasmussen
9. C.F. 311974

Appointment of Ben Franz-Knight as member, Central Waterfront Committee, for a term of confirmation to November 23, 2013.
Committee referral: Full Council

BY Bagshaw, Clark, Rasmussen
10. C.F. 311975

Appointment of Toby Crittenden as member, Central Waterfront Committee, for a term of confirmation to November 23, 2013.
Committee referral: Full Council

BY Bagshaw, Clark, Rasmussen
11. C.F. 311976

Appointment of G. Thomas Bancroft as member, Central Waterfront Committee, for a term of confirmation to November 23, 2013.
Committee referral: Full Council

BY Bagshaw, Clark, Rasmussen
12. C.F. 311977

Appointment of Alex Kochan as member, Central Waterfront Committee, for a term of confirmation to November 23, 2013.
Committee referral: Full Council

BY Bagshaw, Clark, Rasmussen
13. C.F. 311978

Appointment of Dave Meinert as member, Central Waterfront Committee, for a term of confirmation to November 23, 2013.
Committee referral: Full Council

BY Bagshaw, Clark, Rasmussen
14. C.F. 311979

Appointment of Nathaniel R. Miles as member, Central Waterfront Committee, for a term of confirmation to November 23, 2013.
Committee referral: Full Council

BY Bagshaw, Clark, Rasmussen
15. C.F. 311980

Appointment of David H. Moseley as member, Central Waterfront Committee, for a term of confirmation to November 23, 2013.
Committee referral: Full Council

BY Bagshaw, Clark, Rasmussen
16. C.F. 311981

Appointment of Erin N. Slayton as member, Central Waterfront Committee, for a term of confirmation to November 23, 2013.
Committee referral: Full Council

BY Bagshaw, Clark, Rasmussen
17. C.F. 311982

Appointment of Tony To as member, Central Waterfront Committee, for a term of confirmation to November 23, 2013.
Committee referral: Full Council

BY No Sponsor Required
18. C.F. 311973

Application of Murphy McCullough for a contract rezone of approximately 40,000 square feet of land at 3400 Stone Way North from Industrial Commercial with a 45 foot height limit (IC 45) to Industrial Commercial with a 65 foot height limit (IC 65) (Project No. 3012601, Type IV.)
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability


BY Conlin
19. C.F. 311916

Reappointment of Kevin D. McDonald as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term of confirmation to March 15, 2014.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability (Originally referred to Committee on the Built Environment on December 5, 2011.)

BY Conlin
20. C.F. 311922

Appointment of Sarah E. Snider as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term of confirmation to September 30, 2012.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability (Originally referred to Committee on the Built Environment on December 12, 2011.)

BY Conlin
21. C.F. 311923

Reappointment of Joshua Brower as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term of confirmation to April 15, 2014.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability (Originally referred to Committee on the Built Environment on December 12, 2011.)

BY Conlin
22. C.F. 311924

Reappointment of Colie Hough-Beck as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term of confirmation to April 15, 2014.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability (Originally referred to Committee on the Built Environment on December 12, 2011).

BY Conlin
23. C.F. 311925

Reappointment of Mark Johnson as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term of confirmation to April 15, 2014.
Committee referral: Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability (Originally referred to Committee on the Built Environment on December 12, 2011).