On Tuesday, as I was returning from a meeting in Olympia my Legislative Assistant Brian Hawksford called to say that Doug Lefever had been hit by a car while crossing 15th Avenue W. Later we learned that he died from his injuries.
I had known Doug for over a decade. When I was the director of the Mayor’s Office for Senior Citizens Doug would wheel into the office in his motorized chair to chat with Trish Wilcoxson, our receptionist and, at times, to ask for help with issues that he was dealing with.
He often had a beef with the cable company because of poor service to his building. The television and the Internet were key links to the world because his cerebral palsy limited his ability to speak and he could not walk.
When I became a member of the City Council, Doug stopped by the office and he would e-mail me. One, time he e-mailed for help because the view from his apartment was going to be blocked by a new building. He was fighting to save one of the joys of his life.
Doug had tremendous energy in spite of his enormous physical challenges. He was a problem solver and an advocate for himself and others. He was not to be discouraged and he was determined to fully enjoy life including helping others.
Yesterday, I went to the site where he was killed and saw this memorial.
I am so saddened by this tragic end to Doug’s life. I called Trish to talk to her about Doug.
We agreed that he continued to live life to the fullest including on that last dark Sunday evening. He was crossing 15th in a lighted crosswalk located near a bus stop and was struck and thrown to the pavement by an automobile driven, police believe, by a drunk driver who ran the red light.